Bucket of necessity never fills up...



Life is such a ruthless teacher! It puts us under different circumstances, making us realize the true and vital meaning of life from those incidents. Amidst the conditions of our life, those who possess the dire will to reach the destination of the place they seek, gets what they deserve. The rest just gets blown away by the situations and the necessities of their life. Three basic needs of life, FOOD, SHELTER, CLOTH. To make an arrangement of the basic needs of ours, we do go through all the struggle and hardships in our life. Some people gets what they want and those does not they get derailed over the course of the life making the life miserable for them-self and others as well.

Being Honest :

The life of ours has come to that extent, where even if we want to be honest or live a peaceful life, the situation around us does not allows us to. The corruption, the laziness, the needless argument and the most used word "POVERTY" put our hands in check. The will to make money have corrupted people from within. If you have not come around the stage where you have not seen people just slaying their honesty for the sake of money, than My friend you have a lot to see and those will surprise you like hell but get used to those fraudulent activities and learn to cope up with those. or else the circumstances would be different than you are expecting.

We need this and that :

Human nature is difficult to understand! Reasonably we want to grow in our life and by that I mean to say in terms of finance, health and you may also include relation. Our bucket list never really fills up. Thus comes the part where the Greed takes over ourself. Majority of the people gets caught up into that feeling and performs actions which can not really be described as human act. I live in a country of those people who sacrificed their life for the sake of language, independence and I may not have seen those people but their actions have made us who we are today. And as of now I am also seeing those people who does not thinks twice before ruining a persons life. And this type of people are truly available in almost every sector of our life. Only GOD knows, how they will be able to take the money with themselves once their life will be gone from their body.


And there are those who performs crime due to the circumstances of their life. I am not justifying anybody, neither I am saying how you should lead your life. But the way you are ruining your life with those monopoly words of yours, those are not satisfactory. Everybody have a choice, you just took the wrong turn and coming up with excuses to cover your crimes.


Now do not compare your willingness/enthusiasm to reach the peak in the right way. Just make sure the way you are moving forward, that road should be on someones blood money.There is probably a saying, MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL! but there is also a saying MONEY IS JUST A PIECE OF PAPER, IF YOU KNOW THE REAL VALUE OF IT (Correct me if I am wrong!).

I speak for myself! I want to see how far I can reach with the abilities of mine and how much difference I can make from my place. And of course without getting in the wrong way and also learning across the path of my life. At the end of the day, every one has their own reason to way they are living their life. You should be brave enough to know which is right and which is wrong! Adios my friend!

Image source : 1 , 2


Best regards


This really gives you something to think about. While I was never a person who was heavily into materialistic things, I can see where the "love of money" can consume someone.

Now this is NOT to say I don't like my things, but as you said, when we pass on to the next life time journey, we can't take it with us. The older I am getting, the more I seek value in sharing bonds with loved ones. THAT is the true meaning of the life experience. To me, that is worth more than all the gold in the world.

It is up to each of us to be responsible for ourselves & seek what is really important. Money is an object. It can't love you back & love is the single most significant energy to life as a whole.

Thank you for sharing this with us. I appreciate your perspective & hope people can learn from this if they are stuck in the materialistic mentality. :)


Yeah there are a lot of greed in the world, and in my opinion the biggest driver for it is that the current monetary system is encouraging it, all fiat money in circulation is based on debt that has to be paid back with interest, that is where the viscious cycle start, not to say that we would not have greed without it, but that system is actively supporting it.


with me I just try to be the best I can be. yes I like to have certain things but they are all a means to an end. nothing materialistic last.


Money often shows the true character of a person.
I just gotta correct this saying "Money is the root of all evil".
It is a twisted bibleverse the verse that the saying is taken from is 1 Tim 6:10
And it says "for the LOVE of money is the root of all evil".
And that is what you are talking about here, people that loves money so much they are willing to do anything to get it.

Congrats for being featured by @russellstockley.


I wanna add the over population also is the cause of Poverty and Corruption...


Yeah... that's the problem with money, power, and control over centuries... When you get some, you want more, and more, and more...

I wasn't in that situation (luckily), but I do understand that it becomes like an addiction... And there is no good addiction...

Thanks for a great post!


Definitely something to think about for each and everyone of us. For my self i can only say that i believe i do as good as i can, i always worked for whatever i wanted and im satisfied as long as i have for the basic needs. Been living some years in Philippines, and that have changed my views on many things compared to where i was born and grew up.


Great post enjoyed reading it


Actually, you are wrong (you said to correct you)..."Money" is not the root of all evil. The verse in the Bible actually says the "Love of Money" (or greed) is the root of all evil. [You can look it up in 1 Timothy 6:10].

And, yes, many misguided souls have turned to taking advantage of others in their pursuit of money. Ultimately, it comes down to whether or not we are going to let their nefarious activities steal our joy.
