Year end here and time for next year Goal Setup

Hello and Namaste Everyone

This time we are in the last week of this year and in just next 2 days this year 2023 will end. Most of us have been working throughout the year to achieve certain goals on this platform including various tokens. In my opinion having a goal is certainly required because this keep us focused and we can also track the progress. Sometimes without the goal we feel like things are going good how ever we do not know how and even if there is a room for the implement then also we don't know where that should be.


Used canva to create this thumbnail

My way of working is to plan things and work towards the achievement and this is how I think I stay on the track. I can't say about others but for me it is necessary to have some clear path so that I know what I need to do and what is my overall milestone that I need to achieve in some time period. Because of these I had certain goals on this platform for this year and now I am trying to review all of this to see how far I have come.

Sometimes even after planning the things well we do not reached the goal but it's fine because at least we know but went wrong on the way and what should be they strategy to either achieve it all to device in the next year. The journey has been a kind of roller coaster ride but it's fine because I know that some milestone I missed how your whatever is achieved is still not less for me and I am very happy with everything that I have done in this year.

As of now I have not even done the review for the last year which is the year 2023 and even for the next year I have not decided anything but will try to give couple of days to this to finalize it. These days I am busy with family because it is festival time and even the schools are closed so I have got a few weeks time that I want celebrating and spending with my family and friends. I spent about one hour everyday on this platform and this is why I am not much active these days. There are many other things that I think require more of my time including my family and this is why I show up here almost everyday but not able to spend many hours like I used to do before.

This is the time I am trying to utilise in the best way possible. As I already mentioned that schools are closed and will remain close until 15th of January in winter vacation so this is the time for me to spend some quality time with my family and friends. I truly understand that it is also important for me to is the active here and this is why I am active and event try to play my game everyday and finish all my daily task. I am also trying to keep myself updated on the latest news happening on the Indian crypto market and I know that Indian government has issued the notice to some international exchanges
. To be honest I don't know as of now what should be the next action for me but I will try to keep a track.

I am thinking to make a post for the goals for year 2024 and hopefully this would be done in the first week or Max by second week of New year. Some people are so consistent on the tracking that the keep on sharing these reports quite frequently but sadly I am not that much active and maybe in future I learn this but for now I know that this is one of the area where I am not so good.

Thank you so much
Stay Safe


It's good to have plan for every project or work. I see blogging on hive as task which I must set out plan for. Am also working on my plan on hive for 2024.
The more time and effort we put into hive the more positive result we will get. I know 2024 won't be easy we just have to stay focus and follow our goal.


true that focus and consistency is important and wth hive also its a need. Happy new year
