When Do You Stop?


Have you ever been in a situation where you feel stacked, because you feel you should be doing higher or better than your current state. Then suddenly look at how long you have been doing what you are doing then compare it to others who have been doing same thing but at a lesser time and had accomplished more goals than you, then you get the sudden urge to quit? Remember that comparison is the third of joy, when you constantly compare yourself with other people, the comparison will blindfold us from seeing our efforts and achievements. it’s only people from outside that can see our efforts and achievements. So why don’t you want to stop?


We are usually told that the grass is not always greener on the other side and that is so true, that is one sentence that is not yet entirely cliche. Because for everyone who you see that is currently successful, they paid a price for it. A price is always paid, either good or bad, you can admire all you want till you find out the price they paid. Imagine seeing people buying theirselves a Lamborghini and you try to know how they got the money for that and they told you they risked over $500 everyday trading meme coins until it paid off, would you do it? What are the chances that you will do the same and become successful like them?

In cases where you are not where you want to be in your career or whatever goal you have set, the best advise is never to stop but keep working and being consistent if you have passion for what you do. Giving up shouldn’t be the end result because doing what you have passion for makes you feel like you have freedom or rather gives you freedom and never for a day feel like a job, so you dont stop, you never stop.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


We all have those moments, I admit that, it is key to struggle through them without giving up. Eventually it will pay off


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Sometimes, I think it's better to take a rest, re-evaluate and re-strategize then get back it again instead of quitting entirely. Having passion is quite necessary to enjoy the journey towards a certain destination.
