Get WOO Wrestler NFT's Without Buying Packs | Little Clue Before The Game Lauch !

WOO Journey (16).jpg

Logo by WOO and Hive, edited by myself using canva website.

Intro and Preview

Hello Everyone !
Welcome back to Ramadhanight's Blog.
I'm back to give information about the WOO Game, let's check it out !


The Game That Gonna Launch Soon and Land Upgrade is Live

Before we talk about the main topic, I want to inform you that the WOO game will officially launch for public within September, with the land upgrade is already live ! More information are posted on my previous blog here


And since the land upgrades started, more than 5,3 million $WOO has spent to upgading,
let's spread the excitement !


WOO Wrestler NFT

Cites from @wrestorgonline post,

"Wrestling Organization Online allows you to use NFT (Non-Fungible Token) versions of your wrestlers in the game. These NFTs represent true ownership of your digital assets and are backed by the speed, security, and self-custody of the Hive blockchain. You have the freedom to sell or trade the game assets you own, providing a dynamic and strategic element to the gameplay.

To participate in matches, you must own the underlying NFT of the wrestler you want to use

So yeah, Wrestler NFT are essencial part of the game, because it's needed for present a match, just like the Splinterlands cards,what makes different is in WOO, each copy can be used on each battle, unlike other game that used to allow only highest level of 1 kind of NFT to play. As example, you had 2 copy of lv1 Raven, then you can use it to play on 2 matches, if you had 3 copy, you can use it on 3 matches, and so on ! This means every copy of NFT's is counted and useable.


Mint Freelance WOO Wrestler

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If we take a look at the land ugrade section, we could see that the training center cost the highest ammount of $WOO to get done, and there is little information about the freelance wrestler for city owner.
While there is no comprehensive about it yet (CMIIW), there is many hint that dropped on the WOO discord, here is some information I've gathered:

#1. Freelance Wrestler are upgradable !
This could cause a higher utility and demand for the cards. Even if there is no announcement yet about the freelance card's stats yet, we could expect that freelance wrestler could bring something to the gameplay. Let's wait for the official announcement about this free NFT (rarity, stats, skill, etc).

#2. They are Transferable !
This mean we can trade them, and potentially earned not just the $WOO from the match, but for selling the NFT itself !

#3. Fans star of the Cities will be the Key
It is unkown yet the drop rate of those freelance wrestler for each star of cities, because the team still keep them, but we know the value of fans star in the city now. I personally bought some from the market 😄


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope this post will give you some usefull information about WOO Game and the freelance wrestler that are mintable. Are you ready for WOO game launch? please let me know by put it on comment section !

If you want to join, simply visit their website on link below or go into their hive blog here @wrestorgonline

Notes: All this post is not a financial advice, DYOR before decide to invest on anywhere

Meet me on Another Hive Game-verse :
Splinterlands: click here to start playing splinterlands
Terracore : Just click this link
Risingstar : Start the journey to become a star here
Golem Overlord : click here to start Playing Golem Overlord and earn 1 hive as a cashback !

Hive for the very useful community platform
@wrestorgonline for the cool game and dividers and the passive incomes
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
All curators for the upvotes
Canva for the free photoshop

~Thank You~
