To Love or Not to Love

Love in the air— this needs no clarification I guess. At least not today.

It’s fascinating how the eternal dilemma of love, to love or not to, has wrapped the human existence from the very beginning. While it unleashes eternal joy who manage to adore it, love has seen quite the opposite— ask a broken heart, the profound dejection of being heartbroken surpasses all pain one can endure. Some even don’t survive the anguish, on the other hand, some enjoy it thoroughly.

Anyway, love is something that fulfils our heart— an organ made for pumping essential blood, but, being in love seizes everything, it demands an absolute contemplation of souls attached. And in our short yet exploding tapestry of life, we tend to crave this invaluable jewel with all our might. Once succeeded, many of us regret— this could be you too. But isn’t it obvious, isn’t it a part of our ever-changing life? We regret only to realise the shortcomings and eventually get someone meant for us.

Although that doesn’t always happen, we learn to define love in a different way; we hold onto who we have and learn to get along. Sometimes the emotions reflect on our heart, and then love resonates with our existence— even with someone we once thought was never possible. Perhaps, it’s more of a compassion that connects our senses; eventually refracting with adorable hues and forging the bondings for days to come.

But it all starts with a journey to uncertainty, lurking in unclaimed territory to leave marks in an attempt to expose emotional vulnerability. Yes, being in love is synonymous with sailing in a vulnerable terrain where ecstasy is only attained when two hearts connect each other. Otherwise, the passion turns into hesitation, dream gets poisoned with the fear of rejection and affection ends up with hatred. Not anybody wants that— could it be the reason some don’t dare expose their hearts? To avoid heartache? Perhaps, it’s a gamble they always dreamed of taking part in but never dared.

After all, who wants to be fragile, right?

It’s a crossroads where everybody meets, openly or secretly. Only the bravest of all taste the delicacy. Those who dare to rise above hesitation, trade peace of mind with utmost sensuality get to overcome the risk— once again, some fail. But it doesn’t have to end here if you fail, you have you. Love yourself— that’s the best thing to do given—

“You are not an option”

Either become the prime or nothing— that will set the standard. Also, a consolation for you, never mind. Things apart, why waste time on rough edges when you can create memories with someone/something else— could be your family, friends— love doesn’t always have to be the ‘typical.’ it’s not a tangible thing. It’s a feeling and you have choices to ignite it in yourself.

But the human mind, you know, always after the ‘typical.’ If that defines you, expand your capacity, cupid is always around.

Ⓒ mine


One thing I just know is that everyone is supposed to posses a bit of love in them but it hurts me a lot when I hear about the killings going on here and there
Love is a beautiful thing and I hope we show and prove it to everyone


Everyone deserves to experience love, it’s the greatest as they say but is it?


Well, it depends. Those who found it seem to undervalue it, but others, they are willing to die for it.
