
Here we go again still on the need for us to be seen as people who are always ready to do good to our fellow brethren it has been a wonderful teaching from our beloved brother DANIEL RAZON KUYA we were taught the need why we should present our request unto God with heart full of thanksgiving and joy in our mind when we truly want to get God's attention to our request there is a need for us to humbly solicit from God through thanksgiving which is thanking him for the Fristone which he has done for us before and the one which he is about to do for us as seen in the book of PHILIPPIANS 4:6 as true dedicated Christians which we are we are not to think much of how it will happen or of how it will come we should always have belief and faith that whatsoever we ask our father in heaven it shall be granted unto us as seen in the book of MATTHEW 6:27 coming to the knowledge that no matter how we think we can't solve a problem without the Divine intervention of God in our life.

As we have seen according to the book of 1 PETER 5:7 God's word has assured us that we are not trust on my man for our help neither are we to cast our hope and problems to any man rather we are to carry all our supplication anxiety troubles perscution and burden to Christ Jesus knowing fully well he is the only person who can care for us he is the only one who can help us when we call upon him without charging us any money nor demanding anything back from us but when we place our trust upon man our plans is tend to be shattered because man can disappoint at any time but our God in heaven is never like that in as much as we know this we must ensure that we cast our fear and all that troubles us unto the living hand of God let us see the book of MATTEW 6:25-26 God is still reassuring us that we should not be bothered of what we will eat what our children will eat or what will become of us in terms of Starvation he has assured us that he is the only one who has been taking care of birds of the earth and if our father in heaven could be kind to birds of the earth then what of us who are been created in his own image and likeness he will surely take proper care of us if only we are willing and submissive to his words and do his works.

We are God's children and in as much we know that we should be committed in making sure that we are under God our Father as seen in the book of ACT 17:28 our father in heaven is always ready to protect us from the hand of the evil people he is ever ready to be on our side to safe guard us to immune us in his words to surround us with his heavenly weapon and to cherish us atlesst by blessing us with his blessings from above we must be dedicated to God's word coming to an understanding that he cares for us and has a better plans for us as we have seen according to the book OF DEUTERONOMY 32:29 but let us be assured that all these can come to pass when we put God first in all we do and how can we put God Frist In all we do by having a focus of seeking God's kingdom which is Heaven setting any other thing aside that will come in form of distraction to us but looking unto Christ which is the hope of our glory we are to seek for God's rightousness so that we can be holy and Worthy to enter into the kingdom of God knowing that when we get th kingdom of God and God's hoilness that every other thing will be added upon by God towards our life as seen in the book of MATTEW 6:33 we must be seen as Christians who hope on God knowing how we behave in the house of God as we are waiting for God almighty we must not be seen as hopeless christains or people of little faith we must encourage ourselves in the Lord putting on the armour of God in whatever we do knowing that God will surely see us through victoriously as seen in the book of ECCLESIASTES 9:4

We must have come to an understanding that our father in heaven is ever Merciful and kind to every being which he has created under and beneath this earth he is every ready to take us back when we wrong if only we can see our mistakes ask for his Mercy as seen according to the book of PSALMS 100:5 our God in heaven wants us to be satisfied with what we have we are not to be after another's things we should be minded about things of our own possession knowing definitely well that God will will leave us or let us die we will every comes to our aid and at the appointed time which we need him most let's see the book of HEBREW 13:5.

IN CONCLUSION we must not seen as people who are after earthly things of these world because they are the thing which shall pass away but that which is God word remainth forever we should not be seen pursuing the shadows of the world but we should be seen as people who are dedicated to God's word who is into God's word making sure that we do not lust after the things of the flesh of the world but in all we do rightfully been in spirit all time been holy in the sight of God as seen according to the book of 1 TIMOTHY 6:10.
