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God has been great In my life, it was another great opportunity to come across this amazing video which Brother Eli Soriano has taken time to teach us God's word through this amazing video.

There have been a lot of questions which People ask themselves on a daily basis about their fate in heaven ,if truly is our destiny to enter into God's kingdom. We must come to an understanding that we can be allowed to enter into God's kingdom when we are seen as the true disciples of Christ Jesus which he has always wanted us to be.

That we must genuinely repent and in all turn away from our evil ways to cling to God which is our only hope of our salvation, we must be seen as people who are truly dedicated to the work of our father in heaven rightfully doing all which he has commanded us and in all keeping aside thing which do not glorify the name of God but in all embracing that which glorifies and which pleases our father in heaven.

We were made to understand a lot according to the book of MATTHEW 7:21 that God our Father truly knows who are his people, he knows people who calls upon his name in truth and also in spirit, he equally knows people who have brought out themselves to serve him without slacking back due to one obstacle or the other and such people are the ones whom he has destined heaven for.


Therefore, as many who do not truly love God and as well stick to his Commandments, doctrine and teaching can never be a part of God's kingdom because our father truly knows his followers, he is the only one who searches the heart of men and knows what is inside.

True Christians who want to be destined to heaven must be able to follow God's way , teaching and doctrines and must remove whatever which might in any way stop us from getting the crown of glory which is heaven at last. We must be able to remove all form of envy, jealousy, hatred and segregation among ourselves because all these do not please God but in all let us be seen as people who embrace peace, love and in all being totally submissive to our creator in heaven

MATTHEW 19:14 God uses this particular passage of the scripture to illustrate a lot to us that for us to see people who are destined for the kingdom of God that we must have the heart of little children who are submissive and who not have bad intention to people around us that we must be humble in heart and Inn spirit and we must be seen as people who takes upon the work of God as own own

Destined to heaven involves a lot in our life, it calls for change both in our heart and inner mind ,we must be as little children,we must posses such heart and in all we must not serve our father in heaven in eye service way but we are to bring out our heart in serving God knowing that he will diligently reward us at last with his crown of glory that all we are expected to do is to believe and trust in him
