Odds and Ends — 29 September 2023

If you’re in America, happy National Coffee Day! Weirdly, in the U.S. it’s September 29th but International Coffee Day is on October 1st.

Cryptocurrency, Investing, Money, Economy, Business, and Debt:

Judge denies final pretrial request from Sam Bankman-Fried for temporary release

What China’s economic problems mean for the world

More Than 1/3 of Remote Workers Would Quit or Find a New Job if Asked To Return to Office

This is the world’s fastest-growing economy, and it could grow an ‘explosive’ 100%

Coronavirus News, Analysis, and Opinion:

Could a Nasal Spray Help Protect You From Covid?

Formulas are being touted online as an extra safeguard against the virus, but they’re not F.D.A. approved and some experts are skeptical.

Florida Man:

Here’s How Much Ron DeSantis’s Stupid Culture-War Laws Cost Taxpayers

The Florida governor loves bragging about his “war on woke”—without admitting the true price tag.


Biden Issues a Blistering Attack on Trump

President Biden issued a broad and blistering attack against former President Donald Trump on Thursday, accusing his predecessor and would-be successor of inciting violence, seeking unfettered power and plotting to undermine the Constitution if he returns to office in next year’s elections.
In his most direct condemnation of his leading Republican challenger in many months, Mr. Biden portrayed Mr. Trump as a budding autocrat with no fidelity to the tenets of American democracy and who is motivated by hatred and a desire for retribution.
While he usually avoids referring to Mr. Trump by name, Mr. Biden this time held nothing back as he offered a dire warning about the consequences of a new Trump term.

Trump Won’t Try to Move Georgia Case to Federal Court

In a surprise move, former President Donald Trump has decided not to seek to move his criminal trial from Fulton County to federal court.
In order to move his case, Trump would have had to show he was operating as a federal official — rather than a political candidate — in taking steps to change the outcome of announced results in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia and elsewhere.


Comer’s Fiasco

Fresh off a chaotic and embarrassing presidential debate, and slouching toward a government shutdown, Congressional Republicans took time out Thursday to roll out the Biden impeachment inquiry. The charitable view is that the first hearing was a dumpster fire inside a clown car wrapped in a fiasco.


A Blackout on The Phony “Union Members” At Trump’s Event?

Trump Didn’t Go to Michigan to Support Autoworkers

So why did so many news outlets report he did?


Trump’s Sprawling Legal Defense Effort Under Strain

In some cases, people caught up in the cases reached out for help finding lawyers and paying their legal bills. In others, Mr. Trump’s lawyers contacted them, offering to put them in touch with lawyers already working on the cases.
Mr. Trump’s political action committee, seeded with money he had raised with debunked claims of widespread fraud in the 2020 election, became the piggy bank for paying the bills, helping to knit together the interests of key figures in the investigations.
But as Mr. Trump’s legal problems have expanded, the ad hoc system has come under intense strain with the PAC doling out financial lifelines to some aides and allies while shutting the door on others. It is now running short of money, possibly forcing Mr. Trump to decide how long to go on helping others as his own legal fees mount.


The Supreme Court Tells Alabama to Pound Sand


The GOP’s Accidental Case for Joe Biden

The Republican candidates for president have a shared set of talking points: The economy sucks, the government is too big, the national debt is out of control, and we need a border wall to stop illegal immigration. In Wednesday’s debate, they hit all those points. But they also revealed, inadvertently, that the talking points are phony.



The landscape in New York City is sinking, accelerating risk of sea level rise and flooding

Sea glass, a treasure formed from trash, is on the decline as single-use plastic takes over


Coffee bean pic is from Pixabay.

Badge thanks to @arcange

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