Halls of Torment - REVIEW! Surviving the Hordes

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Halls of Torment is a popular game in the massively popular rogue-lite genre. You have to kill hordes and hordes of enemies while progressively getting better with each level getting better traits and abilities. I first saw this on @pusen's blog and it spread from there to many other HiveGaming community members and rightly so, it is a fun game with simple mechanics but still packing a lot of content and all that with a very low price tag.

The gameplay is similar to the popular Vampires Survival but there are many things much different and improvised than the former. For example, if you manage to save the wellkeeper, he will store the items retrieved during your runs and these items will give unique buffs to your hero.

You can retrieve one item per run with the help of a Well placed in your map. Once retrieved you can buy these items from the Well keeper to be used in your runs.


At the start of each run, you have to select your Hero. Each hero has a unique base weapon and some traits and abilities work best for specific types of weapon. Eg, 'Piercing' goes well with the Archer.

You can choose from different areas/halls, at the start you will only have one. With each new unlocked Hall, the difficulty level also rises.

Once you enter the hall, the monsters will spawn continuously. Those dead monsters will drop experience which will increase your hero's rank and you will get a chance to select a new trait or ability upgrade.

I mostly prefer, weapon damage, speed and range at the start of the run. And depending on the gained abilities and circumstances you can choose any type of build.

One of my favourite builds is Exterminator with Dragon's Breath and items that increase base damage or burn chances.

There will be scrolls found naturally generated on the arena or dropped when you kill bosses. There are many abilities and you can unlock much more by completing quests etc.

There are a lot of traits and abilities upgrades in the game to choose from. You will be going to kill thousands of monsters in each run.

Quests and Challenges

There are a lot of Quests and Challenges associated with each hero, hall and abilities. And the rewards for completing those could be anything from new hero unlock to Gold rewards.

You will complete a lot of quests passively at the start. Just do a run with a new hero or hall and you will complete a few quests per run if you survive for a long duration.

There are so many quests in the game that will keep you busy for a long time.

As I said most of the quests will give you a Gold reward and Gold is an important currency as it is used to purchase retrieved items from the Well Keeper and also used to upgrade your heroes permanently. Just go to the shrine of blessing and upgrade your favourite traits. My priority was maxing out Movement speed and attack damage.

There seem to be more things in the game that are going to be unlocked at a later stage of the game. I saw some spells from Pusen's YouTube videos which seem like an important part of the game too.

You have to survive 30 minutes in the halls and when you think it is all over, the final boss of the arena comes ready to rip you apart. They are much beefier than the normal boss you encounter during the run.

But the game will make you start another run and soon it's half an hour of smashing those monsters which can be quite fun satisfying and you will complete new quests, gain Gold and retrieve new items every time which gives you a nice sense of progression.

I loved the game, the art style gives you a nostalgic feeling, smashing hordes of enemies is satisfying and it has a good replayability factor. All this under $5 is a bargain!!

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Hive gaming text divider from Raizel posted in Hivegaming Discord Server.
  • Screenshots are from the game, Halls of Torment.

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I have already recommended this game to several, it is as you say, $5 for it is a complete bargain. 30 minutes in this game flies by and killing hordes is just too addictive. Visually it is just that, pure nostalgia and that simplicity is what catches the game. I've been itching to play it these days, so I'll probably spend quite a bit of time on it. Good review.



You summed up my review perfectly. I bought it early this month and thought about spending some time before writing a review and it was worth it. Having a lot of fun playing.


(Oh wait! I thought I was following you already. Damm, let me make up for it now...lol)


I love this kind of game with hordes, it is very pleasant to see how you improve little by little and face more dangerous and much more difficult hordes, I also love the fact that the progress is clean and you don't have to do anything else to advance (it has happened to me in previous games, where I literally could not advance and in order to advance I had to invest money in the game WTF?) Good review! I will download it today


it has happened to me in previous games, where I literally could not advance and in order to advance I had to invest money in the game WTF?

I hate when something like this happens.

Thanks for the appreciation. Hope you love it too!
