Going to the Edge of the World! Let's Play -Terraria | Part #4

Hello, gamers. Hope you are doing well.

Mining in Terraria is very satisfying and many precious ores await along with some secrets. I started with 5 red hearts or 100 life and now I have around 15 and finding more life crystals, which permanently adds one more red heart and increases our max health.

I had been mining for some time in the caves and decided to go on a surface adventure. I decided to go towards the right of my spawn area. I crossed a desert biome where I encountered some vultures. It wasn't too difficult to take care of them.

The next biome was a jungle biome with some lush green caves that I explored earlier. I didn't go inside those caverns this time as it would lead to a long mining session...lol

I crossed some pools of water and fought off some deadly water creatures. I found a chest deep inside the water and looted it.

One of the unique items I got was a Radar that will detect enemies around you if you equip it. I equipped it in one of my slots and it tells you the no of enemies around you as well.

The sun was starting to set now and daylight was over. And travelling at night is not easy but I was better equipped this time with a Gold Broadsword that deals a lot more damage than the basic bronze sword.

It got darker but I kept going in the right direction holding a glowstick in my hand. I found some more vases and containers filled with loot. There was a chest in one of the caves.

The loot wasn't great but there was a spear which was a unique item I saw, my inventory was full at this point but I dropped some easy-to-get items and took the spear and other valuable potions. I always have space for coins so finding silver coins was a big bonus.

Now the monsters started to appear and I killed a lot of them. I wanted to collect those fallen stars which only fall during the night and can be crafted into mana stars that increase the maximum mana.

I found another big tree just like the one near my spawn area. It goes underground and has two loot chests with other collectable items. I wish I had a lot more space left in my inventory to take all the loot with me. I got some more potions including the healing and recall potions.

One of the best finds was an "Intrepid Anglet" which is an equipable item that increases movement speed by 5% and melee speed by 3%.

I was putting down torches as I went and kept finding more fallen stars. There was one little island with a lot of palm trees and I found so many stars at that place. More kept falling there, it was raining stars there!

I think I reached the edge of the map, there was a deep ocean and I could only go so far before my oxygen ran out. There was a chest inside the water too, it had some Iron Bars, a few arrows, some silver coins and a couple of potions.

I tried to go deeper into the water but it went deeper... I think I might need an underwater breathing potion or an equipment/wearable which helps me to breathe underwater. Until then I don't think I can see what is hidden underwater.

There were some creatures inside the water too and it made it difficult to go deeper too. Why I said it looked like the edge of the map is because when I opened the map it looked like it was the edge.

I thought the Terraria world was a lot bigger than this, keep in mind that I chose the default settings when creating this world and there was an even smaller world option.

I stood at the last island and kept farming those fallen stars and killing the monsters all night. Only at sunrise, do I use the magic mirror to teleport me back to my spawn area.

I had a lot of items which I stored in my chests at home. It was time to upgrade my armour, I was still using the wooden armour that I made during the earlier days.

I had enough iron to make an iron helmet and iron chainmail but not enough to make the iron pants. So, I need to mine more iron to complete my suit. I thought I had more than enough but no, you can't have enough resources in this game...lol

I like it so far, can't wait to explore the left side of my spawn and see what I find on that edge of the map. Also, I want to see how deep I go and mine.

Thanks for reading...

Until next time...

Hive gaming text divider from Raizel posted in Hivegaming Discord Server.
Screenshots were taken from the game: Terraria

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