Most Important Decentralization Tool Is... .:. Ph's Shorts 🩳

Building a decentralized system is complicated and it is a very long process for a couple of reasons... Firstly, we NEVER taught to THINK in a decentralized way... From a very early age, you have your parents as role models, after that you have some pop stars, football players, or the strongest kid in the street as a role model... Then we go to school, you have ONE teacher, learning ONE history, being taught about ONE truth that is served... You get the point, the accent in on ONE, one centralized method, one ring to rule them all... πŸ˜ƒ

Secondly, you get to the adult age, and you go to elections to choose ONE person, ONE party, that will RULE over you... Again, the centralized figure is the one who will "take care" of you, make the direction of your country, and sometimes the direction of the whole world... (speaking of that... word NARRATIVES is very popular lately... What do you think, who creates narratives? YT influencers? πŸ˜‚)

Besides these two, there are numerous reasons why it's hard for to us even think about decentralization, while IMPLEMENTING it is a much bigger step than just understanding it... Now, we come to the second (or third) point of why it is so hard to implement it... Before going there, let's ignore the (conspiracy?) theories that decentralization isn't really what any RULER would like (or government)...

Most Important Decentralization Tool Is.jpg
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One of the biggest problems lies in... US... We are the biggest obstacle for going into a DECENTRALIZED world faster and adopting it! Is it our human nature that we want to be better, richer, and more powerful than our neighbor, or it is something that we were brainwashed to chase as our personal goals? The answer to that question, I will leave it to you...

But, in my opinion, the most powerful decentralization tool is... DIALOGUE! When you have a centralized authority, there is a dialogue, but many times, there isn't as ONE person RULES over us... It DECIDES for us! In a decentralized system, everyone SHOULD have the right to SAY and ACT what he/she thinks is the best for the community, country, blockchain, etc. But... Before voting (for proposals) or deciding about something, there MUST BE DIALOGUE about it... Yes, they can be hard and firey, but that's normal as we don't have the same views, and we are not the same... But, that is the point!!! There is no progress without different opinions... DIALOGUE IS GOOD!

Why all these lines, ph? Well, recently, I saw many times people getting offended by simple critics about certain things here on HIVE... I saw intolerance for different opinions... and in the end, I noticed a lack of dialogue...

If we have no (broader) dialogue, how can we call us DECENTRALIZED social media platform? Maybe it's time to lower our egos, begin to listen, accept others' opinions, don't get offended and counterattack... In the end, every HIVE stakeholder means the best for this chain, and everyone has the right to say what he/she has to say... WE NEED TO TALK!

Thank you for your time,


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You can also find me on Ecency .:. Twitter .:. LBRY


That is an interesting thought. Certainly we.need to get used to this more decentralised world and new ways of working together.


I am for decentralization, for sure... But, tbh, I'm not sure that we will get there... Maybe some "softened" version of it, as there are a lot of other problems with "mass adoption"... When I finished the post, the one came to my mind... RESPONSIBILITY... That one is huge...

Some of these BTC movements lately show that people don't want to be responsible for their keys and that's why they going to newly created ETFs! If we can't do that, how we can do bigger things?

Anyways, the fight continues... πŸ˜ƒ


I think that's an important topic and not just with money and crypto, people don't want any personal responsibility in many areas. Perhaps decentralisation is still good as long as those who want it can?

I imagine that for some people, reducing their risks by having some bitcoin not in self custody is a good idea, as long as your partner is trustworthy.... Custodial services are still good and desirable imo and should be the original job of a bank.


Perhaps decentralisation is still good as long as those who want it can?

That's something why I appreciate crypto the most... Before the blockchain era, I had a feeling of NOT having a choice at all... You had to "follow the herd", but with crypto, I do feel much better and much more "comfortable"... Maybe my decision to go in crypto is bad, but it is still MY decision...


πŸ’―. The analogy by Saylor is best, all the other boats have holes in them, so why am I going to sell my Bitcoin. (Refering to going back to fiat).


Bit like food, it was decentralized everyone had their own farm, now it is centralized and we go to the supermarket and eat what they sell us, perhaps we can turn this around one day.


Great example! And it is turning around slowly, but only for those who CHOOSE to turn it around... A lot of people who care about the food they eat are growing their food, which is great to see... But, the same as for decentralization, not many are "practicing" it...


I agree that people need to understand that people can have different opinions. We need more different views if we want to be decentralized. I may not agree with everything people say, but I do prefer to understand both sides of an argument before making a decision.


I may not agree with everything people say, but I do prefer to understand both sides of an argument before making a decision.

Unfortunately, that's what I have noticed that many people lack... The understanding of others and accepting a different opinion... Being objective is probably the hardest thing ever, especially when you realize that you were wrong... πŸ™‚


I love the explanation and for the fact that there is no one way to the decentralized world. We can have so many options or varieties do it is left for us to choose the one we would love


... and not everything can be decentralized... But, that doesn't mean that we have to stop searching for better solutions...


Why all these lines, ph? Well, recently, I saw many times people getting offended by simple critics about certain things here on HIVE... I saw intolerance for different opinions... and in the end, I noticed a lack of dialogue...

It's the same everywhere out there. The world seems to have become very polarized and only black or white a possible answers. This generates not only intolerance but also agression and fear. It would be great if we could make people rediscover the concept of dialogue again and introduce it as a hive culture...


You are right that it is a global trend... If I would "have to blame" someone for that (except our nature), I would probably point fingers at the mainstream media... The news is extremely polarized and they always have picked the side at the beginning, spreading hate toward the "other side"... It's hard to isolate ourselves from such a big influence...


Well said! I think it's good to realize that different opinions can co-exist when it comes to dialogue. This is how we understand different points of view and find ways to create a middle ground and move forward when applicable.


Exactly! Middle ground and compromise can be a good way to move forward, especially as we are here all on the same side and it shouldn't be so hard to do it!


Between white and black are all the colours we can perceive. I came to Hive because I didn't like what was there (now it's even worse!) on conventional social networks. I see with sadness that Hive starts to look like that and I don't like it.

Yesterday I decided to write my diary today about how I feel about it and after reading you I need to do it more vigourously. Thank you for daring to give your opinion. 😊 !DHEDGE


I like HIVE... and I understand that it is not perfect... It has its good sides and bad sides... But, I do believe that we can make it better... And I know that the only way to do it is by starting a dialogue... It looks like that is the hardest thing to do, but the time will come... πŸ™‚
Also, I wouldn't go into "panic mode" as the issues on HIVE aren't that big, but we need a goodwill to "tweak" things and make it better...


I wouldn't go into "panic mode"

That mode never helps!! I am sure the dialogue will arrive and together we will improve Hive. We all are in the same boat. 😊


I realized that decentralization is fantastic in some areas, like preventing censorship or dictatorship, but in some areas, it needs to be combined with centralization to be able to make some meaningful progress. Let's take Splinterlands DAO, for example, and the numerous talks that exist pre-proposals (from what I heard, I never participated), and then the avalanche of proposals, in some cases for pretty small things that probably a stakeholder shouldn't even be aware of on a day-to-day basis unless they want to. In this case, a little bit of centralization (with employees that have a higher but not exaggerated autonomy) could work better than having a proposal for every tiny thing that needs a decision daily, like how should tournament rewards look like, for example, and if they should be stopped or not, and which ones.

Some decisions are more important and a broader involvement is necessary. And a specific vote.

I am pretty sure you have something else in mind when you refer to these discussions that should happen and don't. To be honest, I believe when we come to a point when discussions or debates are requested we have reached a point where too much centralization is present in situations where more decentralization would help. In Splinterlands' case, the situation is reversed: stakeholders complain(ed) they have (had) too many proposals to deal with in a short period. So, too much decentralization.


Splinterlands is a nice example... What you said stands, but... For one person, "too many proposals" is too much, for another person, it's too few... It is subjective... IMO, DAO in Splinterlands was created in the first place to be a "cover" for some potential legal issues as it was implemented in the time when there was one with some NFT if I remember well... So, it is a combination of centralized-decentralized game/community... It's not that players are asked about everything, and especially not about the crucial things... But, that's another topic and I do agree that, at this moment, creating a completely decentralized game would be very, very hard...

Dialogue is always important... It doesn't have to be a "discussion" and debate... It can be just sharing results, and experiences with certain marketing efforts, and getting feedback from the community... When we come to the moment that it is "needed", we have already screwed something... lol... 🀣


IMO, DAO in Splinterlands was created in the first place to be a "cover" for some potential legal issues as it was implemented in the time when there was one with some NFT if I remember well...

Hmm, I don't think so. At least Matt seems to value decentralization genuinely. I believe Aggroed too, but I can't read him as well. We can't have full decentralization of something like Splinterlands (although Matt says he wishes for that), because I believe it would be quite chaotic (unless we have decentralization of the essential parts and some centralization of the creative, development, and management processes).

It can be just sharing results, and experiences with certain marketing efforts, and getting feedback from the community...

Absolutely! This seems like something that shouldn't even need to be mentioned.


We are absolutely and sadly trained like a dog to accept and prefer centralization with all of its β€œconveniences” but that’s a load of shit. There’s always trade offs and I hope that we can get better at decentralizing as many things as we can. There is such a strong centralization push for everything from the government on down that we need to fight back against that crap! I think a lot of it starts with the learning that we have on a place like hive where we have to learn to work together and discuss things.


Completely agree with you! As there is no chance to "get out" to the surface so fast, I think that the best that we can do is to build a good foundation on platforms like HIVE... Like you said, to LEARN to work together! If we fail in such a vibrating community, then there is no chance that we can succeed on a larger scale... It requires work, but it is definitely worth the effort!
