There Are No Poor Countries... .:. Walk & Talk Series

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...there are only poor leaders... People who don't care about others, who don't care about nature, and in the end, don't care about their country at all... Usually, you can recognize them by hearing them talking about how they CARE, but the reality is the opposite...

I stumbled upon a YouTuber who was traveling to different "3rd world countries", walking down the streets, talking with ordinary people, sharing their way of living, and sharing the history of their countries... Speaking of the term "3rd world countries", who made that up? I mean, who is counting countries and who is the "1st world country"? Does that depend on the current "economic status", how old is the country, or something else? If you ask me, that's a stupid way to categorize countries... Anyway, the guy shared videos from Venezuela, Bangladesh, Mongolia, and probably some more, but I watched these 3 videos...

I have lived in a "3rd world country" that wasn't always "3rd", but unfortunately, while I was living there it was... The same goes for the countries that I watched on YT... They had their "golden days" when there was abundance and wealth, and I would dare to say that there is still, but it is "marketed" (power of propaganda) differently... for someone's benefit... The easiest way to accept poverty is to blame others... Sometimes that's not that far away from the truth, but there are always two sides to the story, and the truth is somewhere in the middle...

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It's interesting that all these "big issues" on the country level, we can bring down to our, personal level... When these countries had "good days", everyone was spending, enjoying life (which isn't bad), but doing all that like there is no tomorrow... When things are going well, we don't think that it can go bad ever... The same happens the other way around... When we are living through hard times, it looks like the good days will never come... We are living to survive like there is no tomorrow... Isn't that ironic?

But, we can find someone to blame for that, aren't we? Nowadays, we are taught to spend more than we have, spend our tomorrow's earnings, and spend more than we can earn! It can work if we would not have a crisis(es), and if we would live in a dream... :)

It's time to take our destiny into our hands... We, finally have the tools to do that... Here on HIVE, we have tools for living in the present, but also, for saving for the future! So, why wouldn't we use that... One tool for living a present, and another tool for building OUR future... HIVE and HBD for living the present and HivePower to live the future!

Thank you for your time,


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Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

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▶️ 3Speak


Who elects poor leaders? Poor people. What causes people to be poor? I think the root of the problem is this.


It is like a vicious cycle... Going in circles is the worst as you can't jump out of it...


From what I know it stems from the cold war where all the first world refers to anyone who side with NATO and the rest is the third world. I mean developing, moderately developed and develop country would be better term cause they have a lot more broad characteristics and list. But I guess it doesn't sell when you're on youtube 🤣. Poverty is a tricky situation and even on those "first world" you can see people are in poverty line too. It's just not talked about and exposed too much. I swear, people around me would assume anyone from the US and Singapore are all rich but that's not the case. Even my mom was in disbelief when there's poor people in Singapore but there are poor people and there's also something called "urban poverty" where these poor are living around mega cities,scrapping to get by.

Since you mention about property investment, I don't think you can go wrong with that. Where I am from, it's always emphasized that you have your own place and attempt to build some sort of generational wealth through land ownership. However, what's lacking from what I've seen and my experience is that, good financial literacy. So even when their parents leave a lot of land and properties, if they have children with poor financial literacy, they can be poor overnight. I could ramble on about living in the now vs the future looking at weather based and geographical location but I think I said enough😆. As always your post makes me think and comment quite long.


I forgot to add something to the end of the post that I planned to do...

"You can agree with me or disagree with me, but the most important is that you will strengthen your opinion, or change it... Either way will bring results and the post will make it purpose... to make you think..."

Hehehehe... I'm glad that it made you think... 😃

There are poor people everywhere, that's true... But, when you see the whole country degraded, that hurts a lot... Don't know which one is worse... To see poverty in rich countries and how society closes one eye to not see it, or the global poverty in the whole country where the rest of the world closes both eyes...

Regarding "generational wealth", I watched/read somewhere something that was like that Chinese proverb “The first generation makes the money, the second spends it and the third sees none of the wealth.” I talked with a friend on that topic... How people who inherit stuff many times don't appreciate it and sell, and how in the future will be fewer young people that will be able to afford real estate... When you sum those things up, the wealth gap will be bigger and bigger... Until the next future "revolution"...


Hello @macchiata! I saw that you mentioned Singapore! ;)

Yeah there's indeed people who need financial help in Singapore. Like all societies, I think there's the issue of income inequality. But that said, I think our geographical location has been something to be thankful for, as we are shielded from the natural disasters like earthquakes or typhoons.


Good to see you in a video again. That is some good points, it is always good to not power down everything and instead try and keep growing your stake over time as Hive can be a good income if you let it grow. I remember when I had 0 savings and starting to save the first time it is disheartening because it is a low number, but over time, it starts growing and compounding if you let it.


Everyone has been there at the beginning... Collecting parts of HIVE and crumbles of HivePower, but after a while, it grows and becomes a nice stake... As soon as we realize that building anything that has long-term value takes some time, we will be able to build wealth...
In the end, "building a retirement" lasts 40-50 years, so why would building a HivePower stake last 3-4 days? 🙂


Your insights on leadership and the state of countries is both reflective and thought-provoking. It's true that many leaders claim to care about their people but often prioritize their interests over the well-being of their nations and citizens. Your point about the term "3rd world countries" is a valid one; it's a simplistic way to categorize nations based on economic factors, which doesn't capture the full complexity of their histories and challenges.

Your analogy of personal financial behavior mirroring a country's economic ups and downs is captivating. We often tend to overspend during good times and struggle to save during hardships or when we have less.

Your call to take control of our destiny and life and use tools like HIVE and HBD for a more secure future is empowering. It's a reminder that, on both personal and national levels, we have the power to shape our destinies with responsible choices and forward-looking planning.


Thank you for checking out my post! I'm glad to see that your views about this matter are similar to mine!

Have a great weekend!


I was reading this.. first world country and third world country...

Okay why does nobody even mention second world countries.

Fluff what is a second world country. I then spent the next twenty minutes reading all sorts of info.

So thank you Zoltan. I always take something from your posts.

We are citizens of the world, all these labels cause problems. Poverty is everywhere and unfortunately in my experience the majority of politicians/thugs in charge are crook and corrupt.


Fluff what is a second world country. I then spent the next twenty minutes reading all sorts of info.

Hahahaha... I hope that you didn't regret spending that time on researching... 😃

We are citizens of the world, all these labels cause problems. Poverty is everywhere and unfortunately in my experience the majority of politicians/thugs in charge are crook and corrupt.

Agree with this 100%... Labels and generalizing things is always the worst approach... I would like to see the world without borders, without countries, but that would mean that we will lose our "heritage" and "traditions"... How many times did we hear that? Anyways... I will stop dreaming... 😃

Btw... If you already spent 20 min, maybe you have more time to spend, so I will share the videos that I was watching and you can curse me... 😂


Cheers! Have a great weekend!


Hahahaha... I hope that you didn't regret spending that time on researching...

Heck no, it was the communist block countries so all very educational. Hehe and you give me more homework!

Enjoy the weekend!


Hehe Bald and Bankrupt! His Russian and Hindi is impressive.


I don't speak either of those two, but if others can understand him, that's already huge! 😃


I agree. People shouldn't power down everything they earn. While I don't live in one of those countries, I am optimistic about Hive and there are ways to earn from it. Whether it be HBD or HP, both can help out and that can compound to serve as an extra income source in the future.


When people realize that HIVE is here to stay, they will probably "trust" more in it than in some everyday politician lies on TV... For me, it's not a brainer at all as investing in HIVE is investing in ourselves and not into someone else...


I grew up the hear that there was a time when my country was doing well especially in terms of exchange rates. Today, the story is different. It's true, that we have poor leaders and not poor countries. But with Hive we have a chance to create our own retirement funds. This means we will no longer be dependent on the government.


A lot of countries had ups and downs, but like you said, it's great that we have a "way out" from crooked politicians and governments... With HIVE, and crypto in general, we can "opt-out" from that rigged system and build our future independently! That's something that many other generations didn't have, so I truly appreciate it!


Nice to see you 🙂 hope youre soon back doing well! Now I understand what you mean "you think too much" but it is not too much as those are very good thoughts and thank you for sharing them with us !LUV


Thanks! I do feel better today, so no worries...

Now I understand what you mean "you think too much"

hehehe... Didn't I say that for you and not for myself? But, I suppose it's valid for both... Overthink kills all the fun! 😃


Here you touch on several important points.

The issue of poverty is a worldwide problem, only that in most of the so called countries of the 3rd world it is used as propaganda. I am going to talk about the Venezuelan experience because it is mine. The crisis that Venezuela has lived through is the worse we could imagine and something that nobody could foresee and that unquestionably has a political origin that I don't want to delve into. We had better times, definitely, and I lived them, it's not something someone told me about. But if the crisis should be useful for something, it is to learn from what we went through. But the majority of the population lacks education in matters such as finances, and they do not know how to think about the future. People live on a day basis and spend what they have. It used to happen before, and it is still happening today. Maybe that is why many of my compatriots do not see the long term benefits that Hive offers. Too many make power down at the first opportunity to live today but can see beyond. I do not judge it because everyone's needs are different, but it would be great if they could see that benefit.

So thanks for your reflection, and let's hope people listen to it :)

By the way, I tried to watch the whole video about Venezuela but ended up watching it in pieces. I found the Youtuber's view quite biased. Maybe because I prefer to exalt the good things we have. Venezuela has huge problems but they go far beyond showing the slums of Caracas which by the way were like this when the country lived better days. We have politicians that leave much to be desired and like many Latin countries people like populism, and that's why we ended up having so lousy governments. But what a coincidence that the YouTuber arrived at the dirtiest beach he could find on the Venezuelan coast, which has so many beautiful beaches. A little rant, hehe;)

Have a great weekend!


Thank you for this great comment!

Believe it or not, I can understand all that you wrote as my personal experience and the circumstances where I lived were very, very similar... I was born in the former Yugoslavia and lived through all the bad stuff that happened there... The country changed its name 4 to 5 times in 1 decade, and it had multiple wars, and in the end, sanctions from Western countries that were the final nail in the coffin... All that happened in a timeframe of maybe 15-20 years... If I had been born just 2 decades before, I would have at least witnessed some great moments as the country was one of the most powerful in Europe... But, I didn't... I had to go through the hard way, but I'm thankful for that as I can understand much better people who have similar lives...

Anyways, it was very similar to what you are saying, a crisis with a "political origin", but as usual, those who paid the price were the ordinary people... People were waiting in line to get their daily "portion" of bread, eventually milk... As my father was a fisherman, I remember eating fish for 6 days a week... But, at least, we had food on the table... And when all that passed, some learned, but many didn't... After a record (short) time, people are living like there is no tomorrow... Not saying that those times can come back, but a bit of responsibility wouldn't be bad to have...

By the way, I tried to watch the whole video about Venezuela but ended up watching it in pieces.

I knew that it would be the case if someone from the countries in the videos watched it, and it was the main reason why I didn't add links to the post, but rather just in a comment... He is biased as everyone would be... You can't understand what people are living through, by being there as a foreigner in just a few days...

A few weeks ago, I was watching a video from another YouTuber who was visiting Cuba, praising how great is to live there, and how "cool" is it... Of course, 99% of people who are struggling in Cuba have commented "Do you want to change?" It's easy to comment when you are visiting a hard-living place, knowing that tomorrow you will go back to your warm home, and continue with your shortly interrupted life...

Wish you all the best and have an awesome weekend!
Thank you so much for leaving this comment! 😍 Appreciate it!


I understand, and your experience, it must have been worse because of the war.
It seems that as human beings it is difficult for us to learn some lessons and we stumble over the same stone on more than one occasion, but it wouldn't hurt to learn from our experiences, would it? And at least make provisions for the future. In my case, if we had not had some savings it would have been much more difficult to overcome the worst years of the crisis. So I like to enjoy today, but I like to don't forget about tomorrow.

Showing a fair view of what is going on elsewhere is difficult when you are a foreigner visiting the place for a few days. It is difficult to have a balanced view. But some views can be appreciated even if they don't reflect the whole reality. For example, there is a British guy who is touring Venezuela right now and has become very popular. You can see his IG here. He shows the natural beauty of the country and the kindness of the people and I appreciate that. Of course, that view doesn't include many of the daily struggles that people here have but I like that he wants to show the world the good things about Venezuela. The problem with the YT video you mention is that it exalts misery and poverty, and I have always been apprehensive about "misery porn" as some call it, wherever it is.

It's a pleasure to stop by and comment, and more in such thoughtful posts like this one.

Have a great day 😊


The main problem of decayed society (country) is that people lose hope, and not just that, but their pride, humanity, and I would go even further and say, even soul... When I go to visit my hometown I see so many "empty looks", people don't have that "sparkle in their eyes", they are tired of all shit that they have survived... And when they are in that state, it is very, very hard to go back to normal... Even if things go better, they are stuck in that reality...

Luckily, there are people who go out of crises stronger, who learn from that experience, and try to NEVER repeat it again... I had hopes and I was pushing hard in the opposite (positive) direction while I was living there, but I got tired, and I quit... Moved to another country and started from zero... Sometimes, that's easier than trying to fix all the problems around you... Especially when they were accumulating for years and years...

The problem with the YT video you mention is that it exalts misery and poverty, and I have always been apprehensive about "misery porn" as some call it, wherever it is.

Unfortunately, that's probably the only way that "1st world countries" citizens can understand... Our problem in the worst days wasn't poverty, it was despair... You can be poor and still be happy, but without hope, you can't...
Darn... I went too dark... 😃

I don't use Instagram, but I will check out the guy that you shared! I'm always more interested in nature than cities, but you already know that... :) I saw many great places that you shared and I know that Venezuela has tons of great places... You have half of the country as a national park!!! How great is that!



Nice sharing! Always interesting to spend the time to watch you share little nuggets of wisdom! Fortunately, am not in such a situation where I have to struggle financially but still affected by inflation nonetheless. Hope you get well soon!


Thank you! I'm glad that you liked the video... It's not that it's a post with much wisdom, but it is more a post that makes you think... And I'm happy to see from the comments, that people understood it exactly like that... and gave their point of view to enrich the conversation!

Feeling better today, thanks!!! Have an awesome weekend!


Exactly, Countries are run by people and those who are not able to run them properly make the condition worse.


To be honest, most politicians all around the world have no idea how to run a country and think only about themselves... I hope that some kind of decentralization will be implemented on the government's level one day...


Speaking of 1st and 3rd world countries, I saw a YT video shared by someone on Hive (I don't remember where right now). It was a video of someone driving around Philly and filming it. That would be a great example of 3rd world country if one didn't know it was in the US, lol.

Yep, it's time to take destiny in our hands, and change it if it's unfavorable! Hive is a good starting point.


Yeah, I agree that the thing isn't better even in the "1st world countries", but there is a difference... In some countries, you have a CHANCE to live normally, but unfortunately, not in every country you have that "privilege"... Also, it is hard to understand until you live it through... We can talk about, for example, Venezuela, but neither of us has an idea how it is to wake up and live day by day there...

Hive is definitely a good starting point and it is proven as a good "survival kit" all around the world... It's on us to take steps and push it up from just a pure "survival tool" to a tool that can provide a decent living!


I agree that we talk "theoretically" about life in other parts of the world.

In some countries, you have a CHANCE to live normally, but unfortunately, not in every country you have that "privilege"...

There seems to be this thing in the developed world, that few people can "escape" their bad neighborhoods or their small towns. Maybe it's the case in that Philly video and possibly a bad neighborhood. But still, the chance exists.


Pakistan is a developing country and the rulers here are very rich, they are not caring about their subjects, they are only busy making their own money, due to which people here are now forced to commit suicide.


Suicide is definitely not a solution for problems caused by crooked politicians and rulers... It would be better to remove them from the ruling institutions and solve many problems...


Of course you are right but the small hearted people are doing the same thing today or inside Pakistan.


Exactly what you said is the situation of Pakistan. Here the rulers rule only for their own business. The people have to do something for themselves and I think crypto is the best option for that.


Unfortunately, that happens all around the world... Not just in developing countries, but also in those well-developed... Somewhere is more visible, somewhere less, but it happens...
And I agree with you about crypto, it is the best option that we have at the moment!
