Paid For Performance reward creates a PEPT token distribution


Two days ago, @fjworld listed 100 PEPT tokens. This was done to establish the starting point for trading our community token. As part of this initial release the following post was published.


In that blog I shared some experience relating to stock valuation, trading, interest trends and building wealth.

In this blog, I am introducing a performance reward program that is being linked to earning some PEPT tokens. You scratch my back I scratch your back.

At this time, I am not going to translate the above image. But I will share the site where you get paid for performance.


June 7, 2023 - Testing proof-of-concept in response to Paid For Performance program for distribution of community token.

Please do not hesitate to share some thoughts and do ask questions. You are part of a living process to build a learning and earning community. I am hoping that more and more people notice my strange approach to solving problems and creating use cases for our traffic exchanging community. There is a reason why #FJWI is not selling a bunch of tokens all at once. Think distribution.

To help with token distribution our @pept-earn Banker account will reward the member with 0.125 tokens if they can comment on our Paid For Performance numbers.


I commented earlier on another post. Your approach to this is very unusual and that should turn out well for you and the growth of the site. I haven't seen enough of it to really ask any logical questions.


Hi FJ,

Will the current PFP stats on epay be reset when testing is done and this is implemented?

I know for myself, I'm way behind the curve for getting back to the average required.




Hi Steve,

The stats will not be reset.

I am continuously testing different things, I leave bread crumbs and I provide early indication of what may happen. Some folks notice, some don't and may not think there is much value or their time is best somewhere else. Because of competition and the ever changing world of many unknowns, it makes it more challenging in building long lasting and active business relationships. Moving from an idea to use case has many variables that can make or break things along the journey. In 2016, I realized it was necessary for me to build a unique program to survive the test of time and so came the paid for performance based on total surf time. Projects vary in many ways but they all have a common denominator. That is, time value of work. Tasks rollup to project deliverables and breakdown to smaller manageable units of work. The value added from units of work get transferred or stored but not destroyed. I do understand that it has been and will continue to be somewhat confusing to some but that is part of life when it comes to building something new in an ever changing ecosystem.

Earlier in the program I did offer an opportunity where a member could have their Performance Points and start date reset so they could start over again. I have had only a couple or so requests and that has been over two years I believe. Now the reset is a time value loss for the member but it is also a transfer of value to the overall community.

I am considering a buyback style of options where a member pays a fee to buy back time, sort of. This way they do not give up as much to get restarted and try again. ie Refs and account balances.

Deleting an account and starting over is another option. I am also looking at multiple account options similar to Hive. And there is the MQS point system that plays a role, similar to Resource Credit on Hive. I have been following crypto technology all along but held back until I could get all my ducks in a row and a good choice of blockchain became available. Hive protocol became the best choice for me since I could easily see how it complemented my performance program. I am being very selective and slow in growing my biz using Hive because it has a lot more than I need and one can easily get caught up in working to meet the tech demand and not the other way around. For example, I can create token mining capability and distribution without paying an upfront cost and incurring too much operation cost.


Thanks for the reply.

I may consider the account deletion and start over option, especially as i dont have any active refs (none of the 7 I have even bothered to login since last August) so wouldnt be losing anything on that front, and with only 1100 credits stored up at the moment, wouldnt be a huge loss either, and soon recovered if i get back into the proper routine of surfing.



Nothing wrong with that logic.



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Hello again everyone

Thank you for the support, interest, comments and questions related to our paid for performance program.

The following question was asked via #CTPX Xplore where you can engage with Hive members while earning some #ctp tokens.

@globalcontac asked;

Concerning your moving average is there a particular reason for the surfer timer is 15 as oppose to a lower number?

The 15 second is used as the baseline cost for a unit of work. I compared pricing of time-value across many programs, not just TE sites. And I looked at ways to increase cash flows based on investing time and money to improve returns. My findings indicated that some programs value came more or less from affiliate earnings. ie using a portion of an upgrade fee to compensate and entice membership growth and make more money for those with many refs. I am not against affiliate earning but that revenue stream is not reliable and becomes questionable enough that can cause bigger concerns, Why my commission rate to affiliates are kept low and thus a good way to mitigate risk. So selling an upgrade that offers a faster surfing timer is beneficial to the member, myself and the community as a whole. Hope that helps Terrence. Thank you for your continued support.



While I appreciate the openness of your approach, sometimes the liquidity of how things are earned within your system may turn off some potential participants like me. I use sites like instant ad power that had multiple ways of leveraging their service, similar to yours, however, their terms are concrete and based on statistics.


Oh, and what did you mean by this:

I am not against affiliate earning but that revenue stream is not reliable and becomes questionable enough that can cause bigger concern

Why is affiliate earnings not a reliable income stream?


If your downline decides to cease engagement with the site (i.e stops upgrading) then your income is impacted. It's a constant battle to keep recruiting new members into your downline and hope they see the value in the program to upgrade. Often though if they then can't recruit into their downline they may then stop their upgrade payments, since they aren't getting the commissions that could facilitate that upgrade.

It's great if everyone can make the commitment to upgrade, but it rarely happens that way for most people.


Hi Rob, @threesteps

Sorry for being tardy in my response. I either missed the notification or I didn't get one.

As per...

sometimes the liquidity of how things are earned within your system may turn off some potential participants like me

I don't know what that means. Can you elaborate?

The Paid For Performance is a reward based on your click statistic. You are compensated for the time you spend looking at member sites. It is not complicated.
