RE: The Global Brain: Bringing Back An Old Concept


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Zuckerberg tried to introduce technology ahead of its time, and people weren't ready and pushed back. We saw this happen with Crypto as well. People need to be slowly introduced to new things. There have been more acceptance of crypto lately, so the metaverse might have a better chance now. It would be great if there are more things that can be done in the metaverse than just mimicking Web2. I remember one example where they held a concert in Sandbox/Decentraland. Since AI has access to lots of data, and can recreate visual images, I can see a digital version of museums for educational purposes. We've seen the popularity of Minecraft and the awesome creations there. We can recreate fictional places like Minas Tirith or Hogwarts, and have people go there. With neural improvements, we can have VR games similar to what we have in fiction where people are able to control their avatars with their brain and explore fictional worlds. It can even be a sort of escape or therapy for the sick and bedridden people.


The technology is nowhere close for the Metaverse. That was Zuck's mistake. Edge computing simply isnt powerful enough to handle processing with extremely low latency.
