Life Issues With Ore Debby ■ 55 ~ SEED TIME AND HARVEST TIME

Hello beautiful people. Hope you're doing well today. First let's start with Thanksgiving. As the end of the season approaches, we are reminded of the promise of harvest time. The early months of the year, when seeds were first planted, now give way to the ripe abundance of a job well done.

For the team that has been working tirelessly toward a goal, this is a time of celebration and appreciation. We give thanks for the fruit of our labors, and for the camaraderie of the team that has made it all possible.


In the same way that a farmer reaps a harvest after months of hard work, we too reap the benefits of our efforts, whether that be in our careers, our relationships, or our personal growth.

This is the time to savor the sweetness of success and to appreciate those who have helped us along the way. For the team that has been with us through the long journey, this is a time to express gratitude and appreciation.

As the days of planting season draw near, let us remember the joy of working together towards a common goal. Let us celebrate the friendships that have grown and the strength that has been built through our shared experiences. And let us take a moment to pause and reflect on how far we have come.

*Together, we have achieved so much, and together, we will continue to move forward, always growing and always learning. As we gather to give thanks for the harvest, may we also give thanks for each other.

May we recognize the importance of the team and the value of working together towards a brighter future. And may we always remember that the seeds we plant today will be the fruits we reap tomorrow.*

It's an age-old adage that "a wise man plants his crops before the harvest." But for many, the idea of sowing at the tail end of the year can be a daunting task. It can feel like one is simply throwing good money away, with little chance of reaping a harvest before the end of the calendar year. And yet, to do nothing is to miss out on the opportunity for abundance.

Consider the farmer who plants a late-season crop, knowing that it will require more effort to tend to it, and that the harvest will come later than usual. But he plants anyway, because he understands that the rewards of planting late can be just as great as those of planting early.

In this way, the late-season farmer is a metaphor for those who take risks and invest in their future, even when the results may not be immediate. They understand that sometimes the greatest rewards come to those who are willing to be patient and persevere.


In the same way, those who make the decision to invest in their future - whether it be in their career, their education, or their personal development - can reap a harvest of success. It may not be immediate, but the rewards can be far-reaching and life changing. And just as the farmer looks forward to the late-season harvest with anticipation, so too can we approach our goals with excitement and hope. It's never too late to sow the seeds of success.

In the midst of a busy and bustling harvest season, it can be easy to feel like it's too late to start something new. After all, everyone else seems to be focused on the harvest, and it may feel like there's no room for anything else. But in truth, it's never too late to plant new seeds. With proper care and attention, those seeds can still grow and thrive, and they can even produce a bountiful harvest before the end of the year.


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