BRICS: Egypt Ditches US Dollar in Trade With the Bloc, what does this Mean for the US Dollar Value?


Is The United States Dollar Going to Zero?


This news about Egypt ditching the united states dollar to trade with the bloc and pay for any International trades and imports from India, Russia, and China in local currencies has been all over the internet and a lot of people have their opinions and thoughts about the news, but according to the articles I have read Egypt's supply minister, Ali Moselhy, told Reuters that Egypt is set to pay for imports from India, Russia, and China in local currencies. Alternatively, discussing a credit line with India, Moselhy stated that “nothing of the sort has been implemented but there are discussions,” regarding trade in local currencies.

Now, my question is this how is the trade with the BRICS economic bloc going to affect the United States Dollar value, specifically when it is no longer the international trade currency of the world as the rise of the BRICS economic bloc has been an interesting point of observation this year. Indeed, the collective has seen its role grow, shifting the global power balance. Subsequently, it has driven de-dollarization efforts in hopes of creating renewed multipolarity in global finance, would the Dollar lose its Value and dominance power when it comes to international trade?

But another thing to consider is this would business owners who are used to doing their trades in Dollars be willing to switch? But then again would they have any choice than to follow their country's lead? Every week a new country ditches the United States Dollar for international trade, it is astonishing and shocking that the United States is not doing anything about it when it threatens the value and dominance of the dollar and with the way Russia and China are increasingly pushing for trade in local currencies, the long-term outlook for the United States Dollar to permanently be the reserve global currency is less certain than it once was.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


The influence of the USD on the global stage is gradually diminishing. I think many other countries are considering making the switch and most will do when given the chance. China and Russia play a significant part in global trade.


China and Russia are out to take the dominant power from the US.
