X-Strategy Chronicles: Journey to Monetization | Week 02


I started this journey strong, and the first week was more than I could have imagined. This is the report for the second week. Although my performance was a tad bit disappointing this time, I am sharing it because it is all part of the process—the ebb and flow.

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I have learned more about X (formerly Twitter) in the space of two weeks than I thought I would. I never got the hang of it for a long time, until I started to show up a little more often. And showing up a little more often basically meant I had something I was chasing, which is the monetization possibilities on X. Hence, the reason for subscribing to X Premium.

Perhaps I would be spending a lot more time on X now. And the reason is that it is quite a useful platform, and, if tuned properly, one could very well have a tool to expand their productivity and knowledge owing to the myriad of information accessible on it. I am still trying to get the hang of it, however. For one, the Pro mode allows for multi-tasking and streamlining focus—with Premium, of course. But I digress...

The journey I am sharing is the one I am trailing to monetization on X. And in that vein, I have certain goals to attain in a space of 3 months: to monetize, obviously, and to promote Hive.

To be monetized on X, there are two available programs on X. One can either do so with "subscriptions" or "ad revenue sharing." Ad revenue sharing is the option I am focused on.

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To be eligible, I need to meet certain requirements:

  • Subscribe to Premium.
  • Have at least 5M impressions on my posts within the last 3 months.
  • Have at least 500 followers.


I have the Premium subscription now, so five million impressions and 500 followers are my target for the next three months. One week went by, and I shared my progress in the first edition of these chronicles.


In the previous week, I was able to rack up 861K impressions within seven days. I would admit that I was very excited about, you know, trying something new. It happens that exploring something I find interesting for the first time gets me all enthusiastic and zealous about it. And that's how I raced all the way up to even 1M impressions after that day.


In the last seven days, however, many of my stats went down. It's all mostly red below because they are lower in comparison with the previous seven days—619K impressions. It tells me that I either have not been doing as much as I was or I have just been less lucky this time. My guess is the former.

Two days ago, the low results felt weird. I even thought that I had been shadowbanned and had been getting my tweets and comments visibility suppressed somehow, and that was making me get lower views (impressions). I was wrong. I checked again, through this site and I saw that I was just fine. The issue must have come from my engagment.


As it turns out, my engagement rate dropped quite a lot in the past seven days. I think I must have gotten used to earning so many impressions on a single comment or post that I relented on making as much as I could in a day. And then I wasn't as lucky as before and had my numbers go down.

I am following and piggybacking big accounts, and that's how I am able to rack up impressions most times. The problem, however, is that some of the content of these accounts is irrelevant to me, and I therefore get tired of them. What I am going to do in the coming week is find other big accounts I could hang around with but share content that I do find interesting or at least useful. Let's see how that goes.

On the bright side, I have calculated that one needs about 400K impressions every week to be able to earn 5M impressions in three months. So I think I am still on track with the particular estimation.

My impressions may have dropped by about 250K, but it only tells me to do better in the coming week. Let's see how it goes.

More X-Strategy Chronicles

Week 01

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I've been away for a mere 1 month and you've turned into a digital marketer already. Lol. These are some great stats, man. Funny thing is I chance you in one comment section just recently and I almost didn't believe it was you because that was literally the first time I was seeing you on X.

The problem, however, is that some of the content of these accounts is irrelevant to me, and I therefore get tired of them. What I am going to do in the coming week is find other big accounts I could hang around with but share content that I do find interesting or at least useful.

Yeah this is the way. I can't speak for how this would play out on X, but I certainly know I did something like this in my early days on Hive. It worked alright, it just stressed me out having to read posts I didn't really enjoy that much. Goodluck, man. You're doing great already!


It all happened so fast, man. 😁
I wonder what's been taking so much of your time on Hive, though.

It would have been nice to see an interaction from you on X. I was usually everywhere like last week.

It's a little bit unproductive, yeah, but I guess I'd keep on following content like that for the sake of racking up impressions. I'll trasition slowly to what I'd like to consume instead.


I was looking at that huge no. of impressions and I was actually wondering how you managed to get them. I believe that you're posting good tweets. Piggybacking large accounts means?


Piggybacking large accounts is just how I am managing to do it. To piggyback means to leverage their following and views by making comments under their account posts. That way, you'd have many people that follow them view your comments, and sometimes your own accounts and posts.


Thank you for explaining this to me. I shall try this strategy as well. Have a nice weekend!


That's a great effort you are putting up there, and believe me if you keep to the strategy you have mapped out you will surely meet the target.
Good luck



I really hope to make the target in due time. I wouldn't want to have to try for another month or three. Thank you.


You are doing a very good job. These are amazing stats. I believe not relenting will make you reach your goals.

We are rooting for you. #dreemerforlife


I will keep trying my best. This week may have not been as I expected, but I'll try to do better in the following week. Thank you, rukkie.


You are really doing well, it's not easy at all. Well, you can get back on your feet and achieve your goal. You just need to put in more effort.

#dreemerforlife #dreemport


Thank you for the encouragement, man. I'll keep putting in more effort. Next week will be better, hopefully.


You are welcome sir, all the best
