Some Hilarious Acts Displayed By My People


Hello, everyone.

I welcome you to my blog and another wonderful contest organized by the Hivenaija community. I am a Nigerian, and no doubt the country's economy is harsh on us, but we still find our way to survive, crack jokes, and stay happy. We display a lot of hilarious acts and don't even realize we have done so. Every Nigerian can relate.

In Nigeria, we now see these hilarious acts as normal; we might not laugh about them when they're done or said, but after some time, we realize what was done was actually a stupid thing to do, and everyone bursts into laughter. Sometimes in a conversation, we talk about the act, and it makes everyone laugh so hard.

Here are some hilarious things Nigerians do:

designed on canva.

  • Welcome to Nigeria, where someone who is actually headed out is asked, Where are you going? and he responds, I am coming. How on Earth are you coming when you are going the opposite direction? No one sees it as a stupid thing to do at that moment, but later everyone will realize that.

  • Sometime ago, my uncle needed a driver; he invited one for an interview and asked him if he could really drive. His response was bad bad 😂. Bad bad means he's a good driver, which is, quite a way to let us know he is good at driving. If it was with a company I think it's a stupid thing to do or way to let one know you are good at driving.

  • Welcome to Nigeria, where we wear a wrist watch with a dead battery. When asked what the time is, we start to explain how it happened that the wrist watch is not functional. It's quite stupid to put on a wristwatch you know is not functioning.

  • The funny questions we also ask are tiring, and I don't see that stopping anytime soon. You clearly see a neighbor cleaning his environment, and you are asking him if he has woken up 😂, are you in his dream or what I don't get it.

  • We see a person busy washing his car, and you still go ahead to ask if he's washing the car. It's quite stupid, but we see it as normal and laugh about it later on.

Trust me for every stupid question. Nigerians know exactly what to say; we have crazy ones that'd answer you stupidly and those that will try not to make you feel stupid. We are just so blessed; we can go on and on, but let's end here for today.

Thanks for reading my post.


Lol these are hilarious, the I can drive bad bad part, I actually read it in his voice hehe.

All this funny stuff is part of how we are suffering every hardship that comes our way as a country.


We are known to cruise our way out of every difficult situation. Thanks for stopping by.


The minimum word count for Hive Naija weekly prompt is 500 and you might want to update your entry.

Nigerians are great with silly questions and I find it annoying but not always. It's a normal thing for us now so the majority of the people just laugh or give another silly response as an answer.


I apologise for not putting my word count into consideration, it will not happen again.


Can you imagine that response? 😂
Bad bad as in? I will not hire you o 🤣

Nigerians though... It is what makes us interesting people sha, funny set of people.

Do check your word count, as the other Mod has said... Thanks for participating in the prompt 🙂


Nigerians are indeed funny set of people. As for the word count yes I do check my word count but did not know the community prompt oufht to be 500 words, I apologise about that and will work on it next time.


Nigerians are funny beings to be honest and there are lots of instances in which they exhibit it.

Right from my childhood up till now, I would hear a knock on the door and when I ask who the person is, the reply will always be, "it's me". How on earth do I know who you are when, instead of your name, you said "it's me". Am I supposed to see you through a door that is shut??? 😂😂😂


instead of your name, you said "it's me". Am I supposed to see you through a door that is shut??? 😂😂

My neighbor in school always responds "it's you, who?" 😂. I don't know if that English is correct but it has helped a lot 😂.
