What Matters The Most Is "Jesus Died"

Hello Friends,

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As always, I tend to see very interesting and educative content and assignments being given in this community. I must say I appreciate the moderators of the MCGI Cares Hive's community, keep up the good work.

The topic of the holy week is great for knowledge purposes, as we would get to understand that everyday is a good day, and the quest for holiness is a continuous endeavor.

At the end what would matter the most for our redemption is our relationship with God through his son Jesus who died for our sins.

Follow this article, as I would be sharing my view and opinion about the video of the holy week by Brother Eli Soriano.

My View About The Holy Week

If I must be sincere, this teaching came as a shock to me, as it contradicted my belief and knowledge about the days of Christ death and resurrection. Right from my childhood days up until now, I had known and believed that Christ died on a Friday and resurrected on a Sunday.

But let's see what the Bible is telling us about the interval of Christ death and resurrection. Looking at Matthew 12:39-40, Jesus answered the Scribes and Pharisees who had asked him to show them a sign from thee.

And he said an adulterous and evil generation seeketh for signs, but no sign would be given to them, except the sign of the prophet Jonas who was in a Whale's🐋 belly for 3 days and 3 nights.

And he made another important statement in that verse 40, which says "And the son of man shall stay 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the heart."

When Christ said this, he was referring to his death and resurrection interval which is said to be for 3 days and 3 nights. This has caused alot of theories and assumptions about the exact day of Jesus death and resurrection.

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According to the many opinions, Jesus died on either a Wednesday, Thursday, or probably Friday. But in as much as the date of his death has brought many opinions, we believed he had already resurrected by Sunday morning because (Luke 24:1, and Matthew 28:1) made us to understand that when Mary Magdalene and the other women came to anoint Jesus's body in the early hours of Sunday he had already risen.

This means Jesus rose between the nights of Saturday, or the early mornings of Sunday, either ways, they was something remarkable that happened on that Sunday that gave us a hint about how many days had pass.

If we read Like 24:19 -21, we would discover that Jesus walked with 2 men who were traveling to Emmaus on the day of his resurrection, and as they walked they were talking about the circumstances surrounding Jesus death.

And one of them said "today is the third day (day 3) since this things had happened." So if Sunday was the third day, Saturday would be the second day, and Friday was the first day.

Even Jesus himself spoke to his disciples after his resurrection in Luke 24:46-47 where he reminded them that he was meant to suffer and die for the remission of their sins, and after which he was meant to rise on the third day.

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Having proven that Jesus rose on a Sunday, anything beyond Friday would automatically make it 4 days in the grave, which is not true.


Having gone through the scriptures and through some points raised, I have come to the conclusion that Jesus died on a Friday and resurrected on a Sunday.

I believe the misconception of how many days Jesus died was based on his conversation with the Scribes and Pharisees where he told them 3 days and 3 nights.

But let's get something straight here, the Pharisees were looking for proof that Jesus is truly the son of God, they were not asking those questions for repentance purposes, but instead they were seeking reasons to kill him.

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Seeing how Jesus criticized their behaviors before giving his answer should prove to us that he wasn't giving them a direct answer like he would have given to his disciples.

3 days and 3 nights depending on how you see it could mean a space of 3 days, and not necessarily untill it gets to 72 hours.

Here's my conclusion of this matter, the day that Jesus died might still bring confusion to many, but that shouldn't be a problem because the most important did has been done on the cross of Calvary where Christ paid the ultimate price for our sins, and we are now free from condemnation.

There are chances that I might be wrong in one way or the other, but he most important thing to note from all this is that Christ did die for our sins, and anyone who believes this shall be saved.

Thanks for your time here.


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