RE: Hive Middle Class Developing

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I added another thought to the end of that comment. Just something to watch in real time. It could potentially be the first community to get this ball rolling and they're doing a lot of the right things so far. Vibes is doing an incredible job of tapping into the outside world.

I've been going on about this for years and know what to look for. I understand the lack of confidence and I see that being a common trait here. I'm stubborn though and when I set my eyes on something I don't stop looking at it. It's been frustrating for me though, and people know that. Doing my best to not become bitter and resentful.

I also don't expect anyone to change. So when I see a new community and new people ready to go and make something of this opportunity, I get excited. And it isn't that hopium shit critics with no real plan like to throw around when they don't understand, disagree with something, or just feel like mocking others.

Everyone knows it's uncool to care.

I spent awhile demonstrating what can be accomplished here but where I failed was not having the outside market to tap into so I could simply show people rather than talking about it. Never saw it as being complicated. Could have done so much more. To make up for that, I try to make people see what I saw.

Not impossible. And right now the last thing I want to do is overwhelm that new crowd and community by stepping up and trying to explain. Too much, too soon. Not my project either so don't want to interfere.

And that low success rate you speak of boils down to building and depending on only the existing consumer base. The problem snowballed into this lack of confidence, naturally. Saw it coming years ago but couldn't do much other than point it out. Of course nobody wants to hear they're setting themselves up to struggle. Build it and they will come only happens in the movies.
