RE: Hive Middle Class Developing


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I wasn't suggesting people aren't smart enough to see the difference. It's just years of programming and always doing things the same way. Crypto is synonymous with investors. Consumers in crypto hardly exists; rare and does not compute. Once those elements become more part of the background, crypto is just money.

I know crypto has a bad name. General public thinks it's trash or thinks they'll be ripped off. Demonstrating how this platform has a solid foundation with evidence won't help either because they won't understand the demonstration.

People do understand "see video, like video, comment."

Also, and I'm not trying to be confrontational and offering counter points just for the sake of argument.

There are big investors here.

You're looking at the current form of the content, thinking people wouldn't be interested. And I can agree, a lot of it's boring and wouldn't attract outside support. When I'm talking about this, I'm not trying to sell this content.

So what's more likely to bring more people? And influencer smiles and says Hive. Or a content creator with their own community offering this support system to their followers.

First one has happened several times and doesn't amount to a damn thing. Second one hasn't happened yet is far more appealing since the only way to move that crowd would be to offer them a better deal. Now you're "marketing" to both content creators and consumers. The people who have large followings on the outside never once brought paying supporters with them. It has always been a missed opportunity. Those supporters trust the personalities they follow. Unfortunately that has led to ripoffs as well. Crypto Zoo for example.

Luckily this platform is decentralized and this approach couldn't turn into a rip off like that. Still, again, those people on the outside wouldn't understand that. I get all this.

Eight years though. No progress in that department. Always the same excuses. Gets old.

People are free to continue creating products for consumers and ignoring the consumers. Can go on for another eight years. Perhaps by then they'll catch on. Magically.

Maybe it's worth mentioning a current case study. Vibes. Look how fast it's growing. The existing support must be shared with each new content creator showing up. Without any added support, the more popular it becomes, the faster it stagnates. The solution is to bring in outside support. People spend billions on music each year. That's a decent pile of money to tap into and this is the first time people that enjoy music can earn to support it rather than throwing those billions away. So there's two choices. Ignore the consumers and allow it to stagnate. Or attract the consumers and allow it to prosper. Boils down to a simple choice.



The people who have large followings on the outside never once brought paying supporters with them. It has always been a missed opportunity.

Yep, agree here too.

My idea to get around this blockage is, in my humble opinion, genius on many levels but A) I'm too worried about sharing it and the idea getting stolen B) I don't have the business savvy to get it started C) I don't wanna spend my money knowing the low, low success rate of otherwise great projects here in the past.

Basically a lack of confidence from me - I'd trust you enough if you're mildly curious to hear about it in DMs or something - but point being, that's someone of 7 or 8 years on here lacking confidence that it'll work out. It's much harder to imagine people from a totally outside world coming in with this entirely different and complicated ecosystem, even if you have a large community of loyal followers. I think there's a line in the sand some people just won't cross.

Shifting that line in the sand in our favour is, apparently, extraordinarily difficult to do, but we certainly agree it's not impossible. Just missed opportunity after missed opportunity - including, guilty as charged, my own.


I added another thought to the end of that comment. Just something to watch in real time. It could potentially be the first community to get this ball rolling and they're doing a lot of the right things so far. Vibes is doing an incredible job of tapping into the outside world.

I've been going on about this for years and know what to look for. I understand the lack of confidence and I see that being a common trait here. I'm stubborn though and when I set my eyes on something I don't stop looking at it. It's been frustrating for me though, and people know that. Doing my best to not become bitter and resentful.

I also don't expect anyone to change. So when I see a new community and new people ready to go and make something of this opportunity, I get excited. And it isn't that hopium shit critics with no real plan like to throw around when they don't understand, disagree with something, or just feel like mocking others.

Everyone knows it's uncool to care.

I spent awhile demonstrating what can be accomplished here but where I failed was not having the outside market to tap into so I could simply show people rather than talking about it. Never saw it as being complicated. Could have done so much more. To make up for that, I try to make people see what I saw.

Not impossible. And right now the last thing I want to do is overwhelm that new crowd and community by stepping up and trying to explain. Too much, too soon. Not my project either so don't want to interfere.

And that low success rate you speak of boils down to building and depending on only the existing consumer base. The problem snowballed into this lack of confidence, naturally. Saw it coming years ago but couldn't do much other than point it out. Of course nobody wants to hear they're setting themselves up to struggle. Build it and they will come only happens in the movies.
