Now we're coking with gas - Getting out of the Gig-Economy

Earlier this month I started to post a bit more and tested out #sbi again to make sure that it was still working, it is. Then I ran a contest to spread some of those sweet sbi around.

A Watched Pot by Ashley Bischoff on Flickr

Currently I'm getting about 5SBD worth per post, which is pretty nice, and from that I'm re-growing my HP, and that graph really looks pretty. It's not enough to spend a lot of time developing content exclusively for this platform, even if I knew of a offramp that would get these funds into something I can buy bread with, but its a start.

To continue to build up the SBI I plan to have monthly contests after converting all of the SBD that was earned that month. At some point I will make it a fixed value and start "saving" some of it. Or I will do the math and figure out if it makes better return with curation. There used to be a page on #leofinace that made that math easy, but since the rebrand I can't find it anymore. I'm guessing that it was a lower priority than making #nleo look exactly like old twitter.

If you want to help out with this experiment I made a post here on how you can.

No more loafing for #noloafing

All of these posts will be tagged with the #noloafingmoney so if you want to see what I'm doing over there, that is the place to do it.

Its time for me to stop loafing and get involved. Plan to see a lot more of me on this platform and the other front ends.

The goal


The Why

If this is your first time here, thanks for stopping by. I wrote my first post on this topic in November 2019. They all have a "special" tag, so you can find them all here: #noloafingmoney. If you want to see where this all started, its with this post, Money and the Gig-Economy.

Be sure to follow along and leave a comment below!

