Weekend-engagement - Week 171 - What is the most unproductive habit I have?


Hello friends of hive!

This is my share of this week's #weekend-engagement and today I come to talk to you about one of my bad habits, which I am mindful of, how I have controlled them and what my life would be like if I totally eliminated them.

Well, for many it must be common the habit of using video game consoles and I live among them since I was a child.

Since I was 3 years old I had my first video game console which was a PlayStation, it was a Christmas present and by that time it was a very advanced console.

I started to get attached to video games to the point of not wanting to do anything else but play on my console for about 8 years which is how long the console lasted.
Of course with its respective limitations from my parents. Until it got damaged, but my taste for video games was already there and I experimented with computer games.
Of course I sporadically went to cybers to play games because I didn't have a computer at home until I turned 12 and my parents gave me a Play Station 2 console.

By then I was a bit more limited.
I had developed a condition called migraine and it would appear after spending many hours watching TV or playing on the console.

Even so, my addiction ignored those parameters and made me disarrangements, because from time to time I played too much and I had a headache or I played behind my parents' back.

In my adolescence my bad habits were getting out of control, besides that I only thought about playing, I missed classes to stay at home or go to a cyber.

I felt very good playing on a computer or console and until I was 17 years old I decided to change that and little by little I was changing my addiction to them. It was hard but I couldn't give up video games either, simply because I like them so much.
So I worked on moderating the use of electronic devices in such a way that it is still a habit present in my daily life but I no longer give it the priority I gave it before.
I am 26 years old and currently live with my partner and we both share a game in common, but for me and for her it is no longer a priority.

It was in this way that I improved this as a method of distraction and fun, not like before that I could simply spend a whole day playing video games.

The truth is that I don't know exactly how my life would be without video games but I'm sure that as long as I'm doing something I like or I'm busy I can be calm without them.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu
