5 minute freewrite 2376 prompt bite me


This is my post for #freewriters 2376 prompt bite me hosted by @mariannewest

For as long as I can remember, if there was a job to do, I tried to not let anything stop me from doing it. I can remember having to carry one side of a wash tub full of shrimp from the dock to the store it was so heavy for me but we could not stop, they needed to get there as fast as we could do it to keep them from dying. I was 8 or 9 years old.

I also remember having to lift 55 gallon drums that Dad used for trash cans onto a trailer that he pulled behind his truck. I would lean it to one side and balance it on my knee while lifting, this was also when I was a child, my Dad had a campground, and there were many garbage cans.

When my kids were still at home and I worked hard all day and had to come home and cook dinner then take them to practice or a game, it did not matter how bad I felt, I took them where they needed to be.

I hurt my back and yes I could not work for months but when it got to where I could stand it, I was back to fishing, working through the pain. I came home many days in tears but I had to work to help support my family.

Now this thing with my hand, all I want to say is, bite me, I am trying to do things like putting the small areca palms into bigger pots, I can use a trowel and my left hand to shovel the soil.

I figured out how to get the plant out of the small pot by putting it on a bucket so it would be between my knees and pulling on the plant with my left hand.

And again with my good hand, I can fill the pot with soil around the plant.

The problem comes when trying to lift the pots, I put one on the little cart and it hurt but I did it, I took it to where the sprinkler was and lifted it off. I came back and tried to lift another one, it hurt more but I did it, and I did the same with this one as I did with the first, and came back and lifted a third one onto the cart. That was it, I could not stand to lift another one. So here they sit until my husband can help lift them. I only have 380 more to do.

I was worried about them not getting any water today but thankfully we got a good thunderstorm so they can wait until the morning before being moved.

photos are mine


You're transferring more than 380 plants to bigger pots?
Do you sell these as house plants? (Yes, I could search your blog for previous posts on areca palms!)
Sounds like this plant offers many health benefits - cleaning and humidifying the air, looking pretty, bringing energy and green goodness into the home. (Yes, of course, I had to look that up!)
Areca Palm Benefits are many–It’s one of the best tropical foliage plants, easy to grow, and cleanse the indoor air as well.


We sell them to people who want a natural fence or hedge, you can not believe the number of people who say they want to block their neighbor from seeing their house, or as one lady put it "my neighbor is driving me crazy". They can grow to 30 feet tall and if put 3 feet apart, you can not see through them.


Wow! I had no idea they grew so fast, so tall, so thick, they screen out the neighbors.
What is the Midwest equivalent...
How enterprising of you to grow and sell these!
And you mention weighing only 96 pounds. All lean muscle (and missing cartilage, alas, hence the arthritic pain). You spend a lot of time close to nature, working, being productive, doing all the things that are supposed to help us live longer, HEALTHIER lives. I wish for you a remedy to the arthritis pain. At least not to have it be debilitating!! You need to be out on the water, right??


I use my hands a lot, mostly my right one, this is why I think I have no cartilage, I wore it out. I do not know what causes arthritis other than old age. The top knuckle of my pointing finger is swollen with it and the top part of the finger is bent toward my thumb. This is all on my right hand, the left is fine.
Yes, I do need to be back on the water.
