5 minute freewrite 2326 prompt no thinker


image.pngmy Dad and husband
This is my post for #freewriters 2326 prompt no thinker hosted by @mariannewest

image.png me and Dad

Every little girl's idol is her Dad and I am no exception, to me he was my everything from a little girl I was always following him around and trying to help him work on things in any way I could. He was the type that could figure out a solution to any problem. I remember before we had electricity he drew out plans on how to make electricity by hanging something from his dock and using the inlet tides to get electricity to our house and his bar. He never did it because the County would not allow it, he was leasing the land from them. This was in the early 1960's. He was in no way a no thinker type of person.

image.pngmy Dad loved talking on his ham radio

When we moved from Florida to Missouri and the first winter he slipped on the ice and almost fell down so he took an old pair of shoes and screwed screws through the bottom so the points of the screws stuck through the bottom like cleats, and he never fell. He was always thinking about how to make things better.

I am still impressed with what he did one day so I could go to work. My ex-husband and I had a big fight and he ripped all of the spark plug wires from my car. I did not want to call Dad, but I could not miss work so I called and asked if he could take me to work and I told him what happened. He came to my house and looked at my car, he asked if I had an extension cord, I gave him one of those small house cords that had a three way plug on the end. He cut it up and somehow ran it like spark plug wires would be run, I do not remember how he hooked it up but I made it to work and home. I had to buy new wires and he fixed my car back like it was.

image.pnghe loved his family and to garden, I can just see him carrying our photos to the front porch and lining up his veggies for this picture, I wonder what was going through his head.

I could write more about him if I did not have a mind that can not remember as it used to and there is the 5 minute thing.
Dad I miss you

photos are mine


He was very resourceful, and seems to have been quite fun. What a great father!


Thank you @owasco, he was from a time when men used their brains and could make something from nothing. And he loved his family.


Your dad was very resource and also a good thinker. His type are rare and he is always ready to love and care for his children. Reading your blog has already created a bigger image of him in my head 😅.


Thank you @miraclle, he was always thinking about how he could make things better and if he could fix something, it did not get thrown away, he fixed it. My husband gets on me for wanting to fix things instead of throwing them out and buying new ones, I get this from my Dad, and nowadays "new" is not always better. I hope you have a wonderful Easter.


Was just indoor.. didn't go out
