[ESP-ENG] How to get the eagle bow in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - NO SPOILERS

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Saludos a todos, el dia de hoy estoy muy emocionado por empezar a traerles contenido sobre Tears of the Kingdom, el ultimo lanzamiento de la saga de The Legend of Zelda en el que nuevamente tomaremos el control de Link a traves del vasto e inmenso mundo de Hyrule. Este juego, lanzado hace dos meses y medio, funciona como una secuela de The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild y que ha sido catalogado por los criticos mas prestigiosos como uno de los mejores videojuegos de la historia.


Greetings everyone and welcome to a new post on my Hive's blog, today I am very excited to start bringing you content about The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, the latest release in The Legend of Zelda saga in which we will once again take control of the hero of time, Link through the vast and immense world of Hyrule. This game, released two and a half months ago, works as a sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and has been listed by the most prestigious critics as one of the best video games in history.



Yo ya le he dedicado unas 200 horas aproximadamente y puedo decir que hablando netamente de lo que es jugabilidad, es lo mejor que he jugado en mi vida, es increíble como puedes distraerte por horas haciendo cualquier cosa dentro del juego, desde simplemente explorar como encontrar cada coleccionable, es ahí donde entra esta nueva serie de post que voy a realizar, trayendo tutoriales sin spoilers importantes de la historia sobre como obtener las diferentes armas, trajes y demas desbloqueables en el juego, además de consejos que puedes poner en practica para mejorar tu juego. Hoy les traigo un tutorial sobre como conseguir el arco del águila utilizado por Revali en Breath of the Wild y que en Tears of the Kingdom es una de las 4 armas legendarias.

I've already spent approximately two hundred hours on this videogame and I can say that clearly speaking of gameplay, it's the best I've played in my whole life so far, it's incredible how you can get distracted for hours doing anything in the game, from simply exploring how to find each collectible, since you get the mechanics this game becomes a great entertaniment that's where this new series of posts I'm going to come in, bringing tutorials without major spoilers on how to get the different weapons, outfits and other unlockables in the game, as well as tips that you can put into practice to improve your game . Today I bring you a tutorial on how to get the eagle bow used by Revali in Breath of the Wild and that in Tears of the Kingdom is one of the 4 legendary weapons.


Hay un requisito previo obligatorio para poder farmear esta arma y ese requisito es haber vencido la mazmorra o templo de la raza Orni, los detalles no los mencionare en este post para no arruinarte la experiencia ya que parte de la historia se desarrolla en dicha mazmorra, asi que una vez hayas terminado el Templo del Viento, podrás craftear este arco.

Ficha tecnica

Este arco tiene 28 puntos de potencia, una durabilidad de 60 y la capacidad de disparo x3. Eso significa que al disparar, gastarás solo 1 flecha pero seran 3 disparos, y lo increible de esto es que cuando combinas materiales a las flechas el efecto se mantiene, es decir gastas 1 flecha y 1 material pero se disparan 3 flechas, todas con el material combinado, esto te puede servir de maravilla para eliminar rapidamente a enemigos muy potentes en el juego, ademas este arco tiene mas velocidad y las flechas que disparas con el viajan a mayor distancia que otros arcos en el juego.

El único punto negativo de esta arma es que al ser un arma legendaria, no se puede mejorar usando a los Octoroks (Hablare de eso en un futuro post) y debido a esto, podemos entonces encontrar un tipo de arco que a mi parecer es mejor que este, sea como sea, esta es un arma que querrás tener ya que es necesaria si quieres sacar el 100% del juego, pues forma parte de una misión secundaria.



There is a mandatory prerequisite to be able to farm this weapon and that requirement is to have defeated the dungeon or temple of the Orni race, I will not mention the details in this post so as not to ruin the experience since part of the story takes place in said dungeon, so once you have finished the Temple of the Wind, you will be able to craft this legendary bow.

Data sheet

This bow has 28 power points, a durability base on 60 points and the shot capacity x3 bonus. That means that when shooting, you will spend only 1 arrow but it will be 3 shots, and the incredible thing about this is that when you combine materials with the arrows the effect is maintained, that is, you spend 1 arrow and 1 material but 3 arrows are shot, all with the combined material, this can help you quickly eliminate very powerful enemies in the game, also this bow has more speed and the arrows you shoot with it travel a greater distance than other bows in the game.

The only negative point of this weapon is that being a legendary weapon, it cannot be improved using the Octoroks (I will talk about that in a future post) and because of this, we can then find a type of bow that in my opinion is better than this, whatever it is, this is a weapon that you will want to have since it is necessary if you want to get 100% out of the game, since it is part of a secondary mission.


Paso 1.

Lo primero que debemos hacer es, una vez hayas pasado el templo del viento, dirigirte al poblado Orni, al noreste de la colina de Oribal, por el que ya debes haber pasado obligatoriamente al estar siguiendo las misiones de la historia principal, también deberías tener un santuario muy cerca del pueblo, debes ir a lo mas alto del pueblo a hablar con Teba, no hay forma de perderse en este punto, pero en todo caso las coordenadas exactas son (-3610, 1823, 0218).

Step 1.

The first thing we must do to get this legendary bow is, once you have passed the temple of the winds, go directly to the Rito town, to the northeast of the Oribal hill, which you must have already passed by following the missions of the main story of the game, you should also have a sanctuary very close to the town, you must go to the top of the town to talk to Teba, the leader, there is no way to get lost at this point, but in any case the exact coordinates are (-3610, 1823, 0218).



Paso 2.

Tras hablar con el, este te dará la mision secundaria del arma legendaria, que no es otra mas que el arco del águila. Aquí es donde viene lo divertido, pues para que te fabrique el arco debes entregarle:

  • 1 Arco de Golondrina.

  • 5 Trozos de madera.

  • 3 Diamantes.

De todas las armas legendarias esta para mi es la mas facil de farmear, los trozos de madera deberian sobrarte por montones a esa altura del juego y si no es asi, te recomiendo que empieces a reunirlos porque creeme que son mas necesarios de lo que parece. Los diamantes si son mas complicados, ya que no hay muchos en Hyrule y encontrarlos temprano en la aventura puede ser engorroso. Hay jugadores que tras encontrar uno recurren a glitches de duplicacion de objetos para asi tener muchos y no gastar horas farmeandolos, pero yo no recomiendo esto, pues elimina por completo la experiencia del juego, pronto hare un post mas a fondo sobre como farmear diamantes de forma legal, pero por ahora te sera bueno saber que puedes comprarlos en la Ciudad Goron (una vez pases la historia de ese lugar) por 1000 rupias cada uno.

La razon por la que creo que esta es el arma mas facil de farmear de las 4 legendarias es porque el arco de la golondrina es muy facil de conseguir en esta ubicacion:

(-3802 - 2313 - 0161)

Step 2.

After talking to him, he will give you the secondary mission of the legendary weapon, which is none other than the eagle's bow. This is where the fun comes in, because for him to make you the bow you must give him:

  • 1 Swallow Bow.

  • 5 Pieces of wood.

  • 3 Diamonds.

Of all the legendary weapons on Tears of the Kingdom, this is the easiest to farm for me, the pieces of wood should be plenty left over at that point in the game and if not, I recommend that you start gathering them because believe me they are more necessary than it seems. The diamonds are more complicated to get, since there are not many in Hyrule lands and finding them early in the adventure can be cumbersome. There are players who, after finding one, resort to item duplication glitches in order to have many and not spend hours farming them, but I do not recommend this, as it completely eliminates the game experience, soon I will make a more in-depth post on how to legally farm diamonds, but for now it will be good to know that you can buy them in Goron City (once you go through the story of that place) for 1000 rupees each.

The reason why I think this is the easiest weapon to farm out of the 4 legendary is because the Swallow's Bow is very easy to get in this location:

(-3802 - 2313 - 0161)


Justamente en el area conocida como Zona de Entrenamiento. Si jugaste Breath of the Wild sabras exactamente de lo que estoy hablando, y si no, igualmente es una zona facilmente reconocible pues presenta remolinos altisimos que son facilmente visibles. Desde cualquier Atalaya cercana puedes ir planeando con tu paravela, incluso desde el poblado Orni. Una vez alli te diriges a la casa que esta en lo mas alto de la zona, donde encontrarás uno de estos arcos completamente gratis, junto con flechas.

Si se te dificulta encontrar este lugar o si ya tomaste este arco (vuelve a aparecer con cada Luna Carmesí) puedes encontrar dos mas en estas ubicaciones:

(-3187 - 2554 - 0458) Dentro de un cofre.

(-2634 - 2715 - 0509) En un bloque de hielo que primero debes derretir.

Tambien puede ser un drop de los likelike que estan en las cuevas de esta zona, que son bastantes, aunque este drop es bastante raro, asi que te recomiendo ir por las opciones de arriba.

Right in the area known as the Training Zone. If you've played The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild you'll know exactly what I'm talking about Well, you will recognize this area right away., and if not, it's still an easily recognizable area as it features towering eddies that are easily visible. From any nearby Watchtower you can go planning with your parasail, even from the Orni town. Once there you go to the house that is at the top of the area, where you will find one of these bows completely free, along with arrows.

If you're having trouble finding this location or if you've already taken this bow (it respawns with every Crimson Moon) you can find two more at these locations:

(-3187 - 2554 - 0458) Inside a chest.

(-2634 - 2715 - 0509) In a block of ice that you must first melt.

It can also be a drop from the likelikes monsters that are in all the caves in this area, which are quite a few, although this drop is quite rare, so I really recommend you go for the options above before.


Paso 3.

Una vez reunidos todos los materiales solo resta regresar con Teba en el pueblo Orni (-3610 - 1823 - 0218) y entregarle los materiales que acabas de reunir, tras esto te va a craftear el arco del aguila y te lo entregará.

Step 3.

Once all the materials have been gathered, it only remains to return to Teba in the Orni town (-3610 - 1823 - 0218) and give her the materials that you just gathered, after this she will craft the eagle's bow and give it to you.


A pesar de que no es el mejor arco del juego si que es uno bastante potente y sobre todo util, por su bono de disparo x3.

Este arco, como el resto de las armas, si que se puede romper con el uso, pero una vez este roto podrás volver a farmearlo repitiendo el proceso que seguiste para el primero, es decir llevarle los materiales a Teba y pedirle que te lo vuelva a fabricar.

Esto lo podras hacer infinitamente, siempre y cuando hayas roto el arco primero, asi que guardarlo en tu casa para luego ir a pedirle que te farmee otro y tener varios no se puede hacer, creeme, ya lo intente. Ah, por cierto, ¿Ya tienes tu casa en TOTK? si no es asi, pronto te enseñare lo que debes hacer para obtenerla.

Por ahora disfruta de tu nueva y poderosa arma, con la que podras ir a destrozar Centaleones y Gleoks.

Although it is not the best bow in the game, it is quite powerful and above all useful, due to its x3 firing bonus.

This legendary bow, like the rest of the weapons on the game, can break with use, but once it's broken you can farm it again by repeating the process you followed for the first one, that is, take the materials to Teba and ask him to make it for you again.

You can do this infinitely, as long as you have broken the bow first, so keep it in your house and then go ask him to farm another one and have several cannot be done, believe me, I already tried. Oh, by the way, do you already have your house in TOTK? If not, I will soon show you what you must do to obtain it.

For now enjoy your new and powerful weapon, with which you can go to destroy Linels and Grioks.


Muchas gracias por haber llegado hasta aquí, muy pronto seguiré subiendo mas contenido sobre The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, si hay alguna guia en especifico que quieras solo pidemela en los comentarios y me pondre a ello. ¡por ahora, hasta luego!

Thank you very much for having come this far, very soon I will continue uploading more content about The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, if there is any specific guide that you want, just ask me in the comments and I will get to it. for now, see you later!

All game images are taken from my savedata on the game, credits to whom it may concern.

Gracias por leer.png


This is the type of game which makes me want to use Emulator so bad...lol

I heard they just added a new world beneath the Hyrule world. Of course, I did not watch the entire thing as I don't want to get spoiled. Good writeup!


Well I tested this game with the emulator Ryujinx and it works very well. Sometimes there are FPS drops but nothing that ruins the experience.

If you played BOTW I can tell you that this game is totally different and all the new content will surprise you a lot, no doubt you have to try it.
