Exponential Price Charts of Crypto: Total Market Cap, Bitcoin, and Hive


The crypto market has an exciting feature: Prices are increasing exponentially. It is the first in the history of finance. For this reason, it is not convincing to many, leading to the Ponzi ascription of crypto networks. Can a Ponzi last more than ten years? If so, can we still call him Ponzi?

During bear seasons, some analysts argue that the exponential price increases in the crypto market are over. During the next bull market, these claims appear to be unfounded. Should we believe what we see with our own eyes? Or should we argue that exponential increases are coming to an end? The chart below shows cryptocurrencies' total market value increase over the last ten years. What can we say about this logarithmic scale graph?


We know that crypto has experienced three bull markets to date. Highs on the chart mark the peak of bull markets. Pits are formed during bear markets. The rise in 2021 has a double top.

Along with the hills' sharpness, the pits' depth also decreases over time. So crypto investors have become less excited and less afraid over time. What else do we see on the chart? Does the upward momentum decrease as time passes? The prevailing view is that the upward momentum decreases over time, but I can't entirely agree with this view. The acceleration in the value of the crypto market will continue until 2030. In other words, I believe the crypto market's value will double yearly.

The trendline showing the total value of the crypto market is around $4 trillion. Yet we are still at $1.25 trillion. The route seems to have gone astray from 2022. The highest interest rates in the last 40 years have negatively affected the crypto market, but we all know that interest rates will not stay high forever.

Bitcoin prices were the first to show exponential increases. We see a price development similar to the above in the Bitcoin chart.

Look Into Bitcoin - Bitcoin Rainbow Price Chart Indicator (2).png

This chart's trend is more diagonal than the total market cap. We see that the acceleration of the increase has decreased over the years because the share of Bitcoin in the total market has reduced.

The exponential rise of crypto prices is guiding us for crypto investment, but it is worth emphasizing some points. Bitcoin and Ethereum account for two-thirds of the market capitalization. These two blue chips have relatively predictable price increases. On the other hand, many altcoins cannot sustain their price performance. Investing in altcoins is more difficult in this respect, but the reward is high when the right choice is made.

Hive Price Chart

If we exclude the Steemit era, Hive has a history of 3.5 years. So we have less data to create the long-term price projection than Bitcoin and Ethereum. However, we can still form a trendline showing the reasonable price of Hive.


In the chart above, the blue dots show the daily prices and the red line shows the reasonable price of the Hive. If the effects of the bear market disappear, Hive's price could double by the end of the year. At the end of 2024, it can reach 1 dollar. Those who remember the previous bull market may find these prices modest. Of course, there is also the possibility that the price will rise well above the long-term trend again.


Exponential price increases are a reasonable basis for investment in the crypto market. These increases are due to the exponential development of technology. On the other hand, improvements made on the networks also increase the added value.

The added value created on Hive also increases over the years. Therefore, it will not be surprising if the Hive price chart becomes more stable in the future.

Thank you for reading.


Thanks for the analysis. Truly, people have people less excited and less afraid, I think truly we could see 1$ hive by the end of 2024 if not more.


Well... History does have a way of repeating itself isn't it?

My best guess would be to jump on the train! Buy low and sell high!!!

Oohhh that reminds me... I need to buy some!


$1 hive is highly expected and may be in 2024 we can see this price. what ATH you expect for hive ?


It's this exponential basis that makes me excited about crypto investments. I think there's still ample time to generate exponential returns before 2030 sets in. Looking forward to Hive around $1 next year :)


Thank you for your analysis and your charts! Very good reasoning. I concur, as I wrote earlier. It is inevitable.


the future is uncertain. if the powerful players will throw sticks under their feet
