Creative Garden October Challenge: The garden🌻🌺 of my dreams 🦋🐝

Welcome to my blog

    It always seems impossible… until it is done. 
            - Nelson Mandela

Greetings, fellow gardeners of the world! Especially to the #Hivegarden community.
I am participating in #Creativegarden Challenge October, taking into consideration the third option:


Right now I am a little sad, living in a rented house for more than 20 years, it is time to move, but in this country, uncertainty is daily for whatever reason. Now it is distressing me that the owner of the house started a war of inconveniences, even being up to date with payments and updated, he has undertaken several attacks to destabilize us through pressures to leave this place I do not get a guidance, as I can not afford a lawyer. I will have to go to a government office.

I have come to think of many things, one of them is my garden. The one I have now will no longer exist. I will have the opportunity to make another one again, but I am terrified of moving them and the rest of the things, because always in the rush moves the artifacts and the plants get damaged. For years, I did not plant a single plant in the ground because I did not own that land, I lasted many years without a garden. However, I decided to have one in times of pandemic to be entertained and give plants a chance to oxygenate the environment. Since then, I have even grown tomatoes, chili peppers, chives, and other plants in pots. In these 04 years the number of plants is quite a lot.

All these days I have been looking for a house to rent and it has been impossible. There are many houses for sale, but they are very expensive and the least expensive are in distant places, this is a paradox, I have been checking the prices and in this municipality they are more expensive than in the capital cities and they are real houses.

Yesterday the owner arrived in an impetuous way, I'm kind of pressured. Maybe tomorrow or the day after, I will be able to get a solution. Hopefully I will manage to move to another house where I will be the owner and I can realize the garden of my dreams. Plant many fruit trees in the ground to ensure food for my family (make a small vegetable garden with aromatic herbs), make paths, arches, and some special arrangement (like a fountain), where all of them will thrive and be happily protected from excessive sun with poly shade roofs. In addition, you will have many flowering plants, watering holes for birds, especially hummingbirds, butterflies, and even bees.

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Possibly that dream will come true and that life will give me a chance for us all to be pleasantly happy. My plants and my family.

It would be ideal to achieve that dream!, what do you think, gardener friend, wish me luck!

I did this writing to drain stress.

I invite @antoniarhuiz to participate in this challenge.
If you want to participate this is the link

Image created by bing(

Well my #HiveGarden friends, have a nice day!

💖💖💖Everything with LOVE is achieved💖💖💖

So much for my publication. Thank you for reading.❤

Texts and photos are my authorship.
Translation with Deepl. Photo taken with Xiaomi Redmi Note 8.
Banner and text separator created with Canva.


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The best is what you have in you. Determination to have your own house is the deep spirit in you. I love that one you mentioned about hoping to get one soon.

This will enhance your freewill to have your own garden without delay.


I'm so sorry that you're feeling stressed. It's hard to make a garden when you are renting and your home is so insecure. Hopefully you'll find somewhere soon.


I hope you will be ableto find a suotable place to rent. HTen you will be stress free and can create the garden of your dreams.


Wishing you to find peace within and connect with the wishes of your garden, so it guides you to find each other.
Wishing you a lot of luck and energy for this transitional time 🙏
