The New Leofinance : If You Want it, Come and Get it



Following the recent update from the Leofinance team about curation, there is an indication that the community is going through a different phase and different speed of operation in which the members are employed on hard work and engagement in the community. This purpose-driven project has bestowed so many outcomes, positive ones, I must say, that have changed the sphere of belief about how the community should be and work so as to not reward those that aren't worth it in the aspect of participation in the growth of the community. Taking a good look at what Web3 is all about and what it stands for, then taking a good look at what the future entails, is another dimension of the operation in which the members have to encode themselves.

The Curation Prerequisites

After reading through the previous text about curation and what it entails, I came to this conclusion about the prerequisites for one's content to be curated.

  1. The content writer must first be an active member of the Leofinance community. Being an active member of the community entails participating in the projects Leofinance has to offer both now and in the future, believing in the vision of Leofinance, where it was stated that Leofinance is on the mission of building sustainable Web3 features and well-meaning, luring programs and projects, and building one to access financial knowledge both on the Web3 blockchain.

  2. The content published must be one that holds to the tenets of what Leofinance is all about, such as ones dealing with Web3, finance, and cryptocurrency. If the content published explores these topics, then there is an overhead to the content being curated, unless otherwise stated.

  3. The content must be of great quality. Outside of the content being of great quality, the topic must be engaging. Engaging topics are ones that possess the features of drawing people's attention to read through them, even if it wasn't in the mind of the passerby to stop by and read. A good example of such content is one that has many comments and suggestions in the comment section.

Come Get it if you Want to

Now that the prerequisites have been discussed and outlined in an understanding manner, for me, it now lies on us to cross the bridge and create the attention we want. For me, I think that the update is just like a map that directs me on the path to follow to make myself much more noticeable than what I might have been doing earlier.

Embracing the vision behind Leofinance Mission and participating in it full time is another perspective of eye-opening that the update grants to me in that I might have misunderstood what the community stands for earlier, but drawing me closer to what is needed and involved is another big plus for me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
