RE: Hopping In The Time Machine With Winkandwoo


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Time-machine... that would be a powerful toy to have.. though I would think twice if I would go to future (in case I have to come back later to present..) No, no, I would not like that.

Going back to past, oh, yes, I would like that, but some really remote past. History lessons were so boring when I was a child, I realized too late that I actually love it... although, who knows, from which angle is shown the history and who wrote it, so I would like to check it by myself :D

Looking back to past in our lives is ok to some point, but if we can look at the things that happened in the past from an objective approach, not involving emotions. Living in present, always should be (repeating to myself) always should be the best pick.

Listened to your house music track while writing 👏👏
Greetings time-traveller-man Havey


Hahaha, yeah I'm not sure I'd want to go to the future. The mystery of it is too enticing! I agree about going back to the past though. I think I'd probably like to go back and change the University degree I chose instead of trying to do it all now, 16 years later! Oh well!

Your idea of seeing different sides of history sounds cool too! Maybe you can see who wrote them and play the piano bro-style to them as they write :D

Thanks for stopping by Brotiano! Glad you enjoyed this little adventure in the time machine!

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