Life is like a puppet show.

Our life's is like a puppet show nobody know who or what is controlling us from upside. Everyone must have seen puppet shows. Don't you? What happens there,some puppets are tied up with wire and are controlled from the upside of the stage. The audience can't see who is controlling them they just enjoy the activities of the puppet with great fun but the real controller stays behind the eyes.It has similarities with the actions of our life. Sometimes we do something not from our own rather on controlled by something else like a puppet.

Many families controls their kids like a puppet. Every action and reactions of them are taught by their family like a parrot is being teched ho to talk. I have seen many families keeping their children's away from the others kids of society. They kept them within the four walls in the fear of getting spoiled. But sooner or later there comes a stage in life when you are compelled to loose the rope and then the real problems arise. If we get sudden lights out of a dark cave we get troubles in looking at the light similarly the children’s also fails to cope with that world from what they were kept apart.

Sometimes the rules and regulations of our societies also controls our actions in a direct or indirect way.Even i have written yesterday in this matter at another way on how society is striking our creativity or the will of doing something new. They are taking controls on our freedom and own talents and pushing us to the continuous process on following others paths.

burn burn burn

Do you know in this modern world where we are living in a democratic country and in the power there is an women still the women's in our societies are somehow treated as a puppet. If i drag religion then there may be some restrictions on them as well as on men but islam has also gil
them a lot respect and rights. Did we ensure them in our society? Or mistreating them like a puppet?

Come in the politics. There you may see leaders controlling his mens like a puppet,more then that. If we look at our local politicians then we can say how much obedient is to the leaders. I agree its obvious but everything has a limit, no one should cross those limits but now we are on a sick competition on taking control on the more we can. We think the more control i have the more power i consume.

In a democratic place like it we are still a puppet on different stages of life by different artist. So guys that's all for today. I have seen how things can control a person like a puppet and from that concept i tried to write something up. The rest is up to you guys. Feel free to let me know your opinions through comment box. I will be very much happy.Thank you for reading. Follow me for getting connected with me.
