
**If we follow His commandments, we are in the side of God. we are inside the things of God, and

Bro Eli Soriano

I agree with Bro Eli Soriano completely on this teaching. There is no way of obeying God without doing what He commands. His words are the yard stick of obeying God. The Bible contains all that God expect of us. Let us accept and follow the teachings from the undoctrinations. Let us submit to the word of God if indeed we want to obey Him.


Obedience to God is obedience to God's commandments. The will of God is in His commandments. If we want to do the will of God, let us follow His commandments. There is no way we can please God outside His commandments. It is in the commandments of God that we see His will. Those who proved obedience to God in the Bible were those who followed His commandments.

Our Lord Jesus Christ obeyed the Father in all things. He said He never spoke even a word outside what the Father asked Him to say. According to Him, His food was to do His Father's will. Such obedience that submitted even unto the death on the cross!

John 12:49 (KJV) For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.

John 4:34 (KJV) Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.

Philippians 2:8 (KJV) And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

So, what Bro Eli Soriano is telling us through this video is nothing but the truth. No matter what we are told from our various churches, the truth remains that obeying God is to obey is commandments. God is invisible! We cannot see Him with our physical eyes! Let us take His word and do same. Let us serve Him according to the guidelines provided in His words.


I hope this letter finds you well and thriving in your creative endeavors on this incredible platform. I'm writing today to address a topic that is close to my heart and essential for the growth and prosperity of our community: engagement.

It's fantastic to see many of you actively posting content, sharing your perspectives, talents, and insights. It enriches us all and makes Hive a diverse and stimulating place to be. However, let us not forget that Hive is not just a platform for broadcasting our voices but also an arena for interaction, dialogue, and communal growth.

If you're someone who regularly posts content, I encourage you to also take some time to explore the work of others. Upvote the posts that resonate with you, offer thoughtful comments, and consider reblogging content that you find exceptionally valuable. Your engagement doesn't have to stop at the boundaries of your own posts; in fact, it's through collective interaction that we can truly build a community that thrives on meaningful discourse.

There is a certain magic that occurs when we don't just speak, but also listen; when we don't just take, but also give. This sense of reciprocity not only enriches our individual experiences but also fortifies the Hive community as a whole.

I understand that we all lead busy lives, and time is a precious commodity. However, even small acts of engagement can create ripples that turn into waves of positive change and growth for all of us. So let’s embrace this not as a chore, but as an opportunity to amplify the heartbeat of this extraordinary community we are all a part of.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I look forward to seeing how we can elevate the Hive experience collectively, by contributing not just content but also the valuable currency of engagement.

Best regards,


Thank you for your letter @mcgi.cares.

Obviously, it will be noted on the community platform that I have been distributing upvotes and also comment on others' contents. As a matter of fact, there are many of the post in MCGI Cares community the have my comment as the only comment on it. Most of the upvotes from my account are in MCGI community. To say I don't comment or upvote will be an error. For about two weeks I wasn't active on hive blockchain generally because of more pressing commitment that takes both my time and energy this season. You could check and find out that about two days last week I have joined the zoom meeting but didn't have time to make my reflection post. Every time I am active on hive blockchain, it is in MCGI that I spend most of my time and activity. It's now that I'm starting to explore other communities.

My not receiving upvotes isn't my yard stick in following the doctrinal teachings and posting in Hive Blockchain. As a matter of fact, I still post in other communities which I don't receive any tangible votes. And I do that happily.

My engagement in Hive Blockchain is not only for monetary benefits, I enjoyed the friendly interactions I enjoyed from other Hivers (but sadly, apart from @cyclope, no one in the MCGI community does that.

The indoctrination teachings from Bro Eli Soriano has been a helpful refreshment for us. I have a pastor who joined me to listen everytime I joined the zoom meeting. The spiritual blessings I derived from the mass indoctrination is more profiting than upvotes of whatever value.

There are many other avenues to earn in the blockchain so, my engagement in MCGI is not monetarily motivated; the lessons from Bro Eli is a spiritual cleansers, with that I am satisfied even without upvotes.


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