Una modelo, pues



En el marco de la celebraciòn de los 89 años de vida de mi madre, se hizo una pequeña reuniòn en el sentido de la cantidad de personas que asistieron pero grandiosa por la emociòn de mi madre de sentirse màs acompañada, esto porque la mayorìa del tiempo estamos solo ella y yo.

En relaciòn a las fotografìas, despuès que terminò su arreglo personal, me dice quiero una foto de pie, otra pensando, aquì viene la otra parte cuando ve las fotos que se habìan tomado me dice: sonriendo no, pensando sin sonrisa. Miren pues, saliò artista la señora.

Within the framework of the celebration of my mother's 89th birthday, it was a small celebration in the sense of the number of people, but great because of my mother's emotion of feeling more accompanied, because most of the time it was just her and me.

In relation to the photographs, after she finished her personal arrangement, she told me I want a photo of her standing, another one of her thinking, here comes the other part when she saw the photos that had been taken, she told me: no smiling, thinking without smiling. So look, the lady is an artist.

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