Australia's First Theme Park: Fairy Park

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Australia's First Theme Park

Nestled in the heart of Victoria, Australia, Fairy Park stands a magical wonderland that many families have been visiting for years. This past weekend my family and I embarked on a whimsical journey to this enchanting destination where imagination knows no bounds. Established in 1959 based on Brothers Grimm, no doubt to challenge the popularity of Walt Disney. This must visit destination is a wonderful experience everyone will enjoy.

The History of Fairy Park

Before delving into our own adventure let's take a step back and discover the rich history that surrounds Fairy Park. Established in 1959 by the visionary artist David Brimblecombe Fairy Park was envisioned as a place where children could step into the pages of their Favorite fairy tales and experience the magic firsthand.

Brimblecombe's passion for storytelling and his commitment to creating a place of wonder led to the development of Fairy Park's iconic sculptures and structures. Today the park boasts over 22 handmade fairy tale characters sets each crafted to bring beloved stories to life.

As we approached Fairy Park excitement buzzed in the car as I explained to the kids what it was we were doing. The park's colourful entrance gate with a giant gnome welcomed us with open arms. Australia is the land of big things. This set the stage for a day filled with enchantment. From the moment we stepped foot inside it was evident that this was more than just a park.

Our journey began in the Fairytale Land, where we strolled through winding paths adorned with captivating sculptures of characters from classic stories like Cinderella, Snow White, and Peter Pan. The children's eyes sparkled with delight as they interacted with the statues and imagined themselves in the midst of these timeless tales. Little Miss even commented on one of the homes being fit for her and that she should move in…. oh wait, no that was my comment lol.

The highlight of our visit was climbing to the top of the Giant's Garden, where we were treated to breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The intricately designed sculptures, including giants, fairies, and mythical creatures, transported us to a world of make believe.

Fairy Park isn't just about statues it offers a variety of activities and play areas to keep the little ones entertained. The Camelot Playground, inspired by the legend of King Arthur provided the perfect opportunity for our children to burn off some energy and it’s not for the faint heart. This 1959 built play ground is as hard today as it was when I was a kid.

Capturing the Magic:

As we walked through Fairy Park capturing the enchanting moments on camera was a must. From the awe inspiring sculptures to the laughter echoing in the air. we wanted to share the magic of our experience with others. So make sure you watch this weeks episode and come along the magical journey with us as we explore Australia's first Theme park!

Leave a comment below about which was your Favorite part.

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Hello, this park is very beautiful and the joyful face of your little ones is wonderful, it was a nice tour... 😍Greetings 💖.


The fairy park looks very beautiful and even has an amazing story to back it up
It looks so good!


The park has a very rich history. It looks beautiful. I enjoyed watching the video
