Here's A Story About Entrepreneurship and How You Need To Be Flexible

Here's A Story About Entrepreneurship and How You Need To Be Flexible

It was time to grab a new set of sunglasses, living in Australia can be quite bright at times even in winter so I often select polarised sunglasses and for years now there is one pair of branded sunglasses that I grab because they fit my face. I don’t think they’re a very popular selection as not many brands make them.

I enjoy them because I like a pair of sunglasses that can be utilised for many things like bike riding, fishing (the polarised screens help me see the deep channels in the water a great trick when fishing), Driving and I like them to also be protective and cover my eyes for safety reasons.

However, fate had a different plan in store for me that day. Just as I was about to step into the store I always go to a sudden thought struck me. Why not explore the possibility of creating my own line of sunglasses instead for my recent business VALLONE. The idea sparked a fire within me igniting my new entrepreneurial spirit.

Quickly pulling out my phone, I connected with my recent trade partnership account and through the contacts until I found the list of manufacturers that created these pairs of branded sunglasses. With a newfound sense of determination, I decided to reach out to a few of them to explore the possibility of producing custom sunglasses with my own business logo.

The Search For The Manufacturer

After a series of emails and phone calls, I finally found a manufacturer who was willing to bring my vision to life. Excitedly, I placed an order for a few sample pairs envisioning my brand logo adorning the sleek frames of high-quality sunglasses. Let’s be honest VALLONE has a better brand name to it 😊

Days turned into weeks, and anticipation mounted as I eagerly awaited the arrival of my custom creations. Finally, the long awaited moment arrived and I eagerly tore open the package containing my new prized possessions.

But as I laid eyes on the sunglasses nestled within the box, my heart sank a little Instead of bearing my carefully designed business logo, each pair sported the unmistakable emblem of the manufacturer's main contract brand. It was a crushing blow, a stark reminder of the risks and challenges inherent in entrepreneurship.

Initially frustration threatened to consume me as I grappled with the unexpected setback. However, in that moment of disappointment as I phoned my friend who started laughing and stated that at least now they would be easier to sell and worth more. I made a decision. I chose to view this mishap not as a failure, but as an opportunity for growth and resilience.

Unrealised Opportunity

Rather than dwelling on what went wrong, I resolved to make the best of the situation. After all I now found myself in possession of several pairs of expensive designer sunglasses albeit not exactly what I had envisioned.

With determination fuelling my actions I set out to transform this setback into a stepping stone towards my entrepreneurial dreams. Armed with creativity and resourcefulness I brainstormed innovative ways to leverage these sunglasses to benefit my new business.

Drawing inspiration from the concept of "blessings in disguise," I am devising a plan to turn these designer sunglasses into a unique marketing opportunity. Instead of viewing them as a liability I see them as valuable assets that could help me attract attention to my brand and generate buzz within my target market.

Embracing the power of social media, I will launch a creative campaign showcasing these unexpected acquisitions and throw in a few give aways. Through captivating visuals and engaging storytelling. It still makes an epic story of the journey of how a simple quest for designer sunglasses had led me down the path to ending up with multiple pairs of expensive sunglasses.

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade

I have mentioned it to a few people and the response was overwhelmingly positive. Friends have been intrigued by the story behind the sunglasses and a few are asking me when they will be on sale and for how much as they would like to pick up a pair off me.

In the end, what started as a quest for branded sunglasses evolved into a powerful lesson in resilience, adaptability and the inherent unpredictability of entrepreneurship. Which as many will tell you is not an easy stepping stone. But by embracing the unexpected twists and turns along the way you will discover that sometimes, the greatest opportunities arise from the most unexpected of circumstances.

As I reflect on this whirlwind journey which seems to be the standard these days in my life. I am reminded of the timeless adage. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. And indeed with a little creativity and a lot of perseverance even a seemingly disappointing turn of events can pave the way for success beyond measure.

image sources provided supplemented by Canva Pro Subscription

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That’s a great story indeed. In life we don’t always get what we want. But that doesn’t mean we can’t make use of what we have to get what we want. Keep up the work. With entrepreneurs things doesn’t always work out well but we can always do our best and leave the rest.
