Delicious Luffa (jhigga) and Beef Boiled with Potatoes is a culinary genius.

Everyone.I am @mdakash62
From #Bangladesh

Hello, I hope you all are well by the grace of Allah, living a healthy and beautiful life, by the prayers of all of you I am also well by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah,Love to all hive food lovers.Cooking is our everyday talent.Which gets an opportunity to gain experience in one way or another every day.So I sit down to cook whenever I have time.Because we men learn to cook, if someone in the same family is sick, then we can show that old friend love to them by preparing this food.May you all continue to celebrate the important days related to food. It is full of life and love for our culinary. So I decided today to make a wonderful dish on my holiday with a combination of vegetables and beef talent.Let's start today's wonderful cooking.
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I love cooking and whenever I get a glimpse of a break from the office I turn to culinary experiences. Each step of cooking in such pure practice reminds me of family appreciation. So always I am interested in cooking. Because appreciation is a great symbol of love. which is to be acquired through the practice of one's own skill. There are some banana techniques in cooking that are great for enjoying a creative expression. Actually we read the following steps one by one very well and explore new skills. Which is a key to our future generation.

Necessary measures

  1. Onion Small 5/6
  2. Chilli 6/8
  3. Salt Quantitatively
  4. Garlic a big one
  5. Yellow Quantitatively
  6. Gura masala Quantitatively
  7. Oil 80 grams
  8. Cumin Quantitatively
  9. Beef 300 grams
  10. Potatoes half kg
  11. Luffa (English: Luffa) half kg
  12. Dry chili powder Quantitatively
✅Making process-01
First I peeled all the ingredients well like green chillies onion garlic potato Luffa (jhigga) etc. Then I washed them well with clean water. Then I keep those materials separately. Let us follow the next step.
✅Making process-02
Next I cut the potatoes into nice size pieces. Next I cut the Luffa (jhigga) into light lengthwise size. Let us follow the next step.
✅Making process-03
Next I cut the green chillies onion garlic into nice size.Then I took out the cooked meat from the fridge. I had already prepared this meat. As it can be cooked very easily with any curry.I boiled the human bullet with a mixture of turmeric salt and chili powder.Let us follow the next step
✅Making process-04
Then I put it in the oven. Then I added 80 grams of soybean oil to the curry. After the oil heats up I add the onion, green chillies and garlic ingredients. After they mix well with the oil.We have given turmeric salt cumin and chili powder in quantity. Let us follow the next step
✅Making process-05
Then we served potatoes.We have combined potatoes well with those wonderful ingredients.Let us follow the next step
✅Making process-06
Then we will activate the flavor of the curry by mixing well.Then we will add the boiled beef in the pan.Then again we will continue to mix.All the ingredients will look like they are lightly fried.Then we will add three cups of water.Let us follow the next step.
✅Making process-07
After giving water I will combine again. I will cover it and keep it for 10 minutes. After opening the lid I will give Luffa (jhigga) let us follow the next step,
✅Making process-08
Then we will mix it well with light hot spices to make the curry taste incomparable. Then we will add 2 more cups of water. Then we will cover the kadai for 12-15 minutes and increase the heat of the stove. Let us follow the next step.
✅Making process-09
Then we will open the lid and see a deliciously delicious combination of vegetables and potatoes with a wonderful taste and aroma.Let us make the taste of this excellent cuisine incomparable.All the time the curry should be well combined
✅Making process-10

This is final making process

Finally we took the curry from the pan into a plate. And everyone in the family relished the curry by serving it. We all savored the culinary delights through The tongue.So I have tried to make every cooking sahab nice, I hope you will like it very much. I love the incomparable taste of the cuisine in this beautiful setting. And this talent of today is to make all the culinary people of tomorrow more experienced by practicing their own experience.
Selfie with my making recipe

Thank you for reading my creative article blog .Stay safe,stay happy.i think if you find any mistake in writing or something. Please allow me to correct it.And find me on social media.

ClassRecipe photography
DeviceTecno spark 48 Ultra sensing all camera

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All Prepared by @mdakash62


I am sure this will taste delicious. I love any dish that contains potatoes


yes mam you are right thank you so much for your opinion may god bless you with my heart.
