Splinterlands Land Calculations

Land 1.5 is around the corner and thought it was good to look over staking cards in the new revision. Today I look at my own deck and discuss my plans to obtain the best results possible.

DEC staking

As mentioned consistently that every card that will be staked with land there is potential of up to 10k DEC that also needs to be staked. As of now my only income of DEC is through renting out cards and I will continue to save up DEC from that process until I have 50k DEC since I own five plots. This means bear minimum each land plot would have at least one card to stake.

Cards To Stake

My highest PP cards are max level beta cards. Although I use multiple of them in competitive battles I will have to give up 5 cards to staking since I want to maximal my yields once I get to stake the cards in land.

I do not have duplicates and furthermore don't have 5 max level beta cards to stake. Fortunately some of the legacy reward cards actually have a high enough PP that is equivalent to that of beta, which I plan to use.

Runi Or No Runi

One of the biggest leverage in land is the ownership of Runi. However at current going rates I am unable to afford one let alone five to cover all my plots. With under 4000 in total in circulation I would have to think that majority of land holders won't be able to take full advantage of the yields, less than 3%!

With such a small amount of Runi I would imagine the earnings would be significant once land 1.5 is in play. As of now I am on the side lines still with trying to hold at least one Runi but in the future I may invest in one.


So there you have it. My plans and what I currently have in order to plan for Land 1.5. For those curious on calculations peakmonsters.com has a great tool free to use for calculating best PPs you can use to earn in Land.

I look forward to playing once that portion of the game goes live. Meanwhile I will adjust my game plan as things shift. Curious what have other players been planning for the upcoming Land 1.5?

Until next time thanks for reading!!!

If you want to play splinterlands then SignUp Here

I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:

mawit07 rentals

If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!



Just a heads up, it seems like there was a bit of a nerf for Runi in the 1.5 white paper when it comes to totems. I wouldn’t feel so bad missing out and actually maybe even want to wait until things are finalized if you do decide to go that route.


It looks like you have a plan and I will miss the Runi delegation that I have right now when land comes out. I don't have any land so nothing has really changed for me.


Well land common are cheap still. I saw some under $40 each. Not bad to invest in one or a few. !LOL !WINE
