Our Mind and Our Dreams


Growing up, I have always had a strange fear of chickens, a fear that seems to have no rational explanation. Even now, as an adult, the sight of them sends shivers down my spine, as if they were the antagonists in the story of my life.

My dislike chickens was so intense that even the thought of rescuing them from trouble, like when they fell into pits, filled me with dread. I vividly recall my elder sister using this fear as a means to tease and taunt me, trying to force me into saving the helpless chicks. No amount of threats or beatings could compel me to overcome my phobia.

When my sister eventually left for the city, I felt a sense of relief, knowing I wouldn't have to confront my fear of chickens anymore. However, that relief was short-lived. I had a recurring dream of seeing these animals fight each other for survival. There are some dreams that I have and I wish I didn't wake up from them and there are some strange ones that leave me wishing I never dreamed.

One fateful afternoon, while napping in my grandfather's room, I experienced a strange and unsettling dream. In the dream, two cocks, with their majestic combs and fierce demeanor, engaged in a brutal fight right in the center of my grandfather's parlor. The scene resembled a battlefield, with bloodied feathers and wounds marking the battleground.


What made the dream particularly scary was my inability to intervene or stop the violent altercation. Coupled with my fear, I stood and watched the cocks' desperate attempts to find a winner. I stood frozen like I was tied to watch them, powerless and unwilling to watch the scene, the fight continued until I jumped awake. When I woke up, drenched in sweat and trembling, the sense of fear lingered, as though the dream had been a harrowing reality.

To this day, I'm haunted by the memory of that unsettling dream, unsure of its significance or meaning. It serves as a reminder of the mysterious workings of the mind and the inexplicable nature of our deepest fears and anxieties.

With our brain active, we are open to unexpected and weird journeys. Sometimes, when I sleep, there are days I don't dream and they are days my mind is open to welcome strange dreams.

There are particular dreams of fighting that have been reoccurring that jolts me awake with my heart pounding. Sometimes, I find myself going through sleeplessness. Anxiety and worry can cause me sleeplessness.

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Sometimes our dreams seems intertwined or related to reality, it may be an interplay with our deep thoughts but who knows?
I also have had instances where I dreamt about important life events which have occupied my thought process for long. Such dreams would seem so real until you wake and even then, it's still feels more real than a dream


Seriously that's how it usually feels.
