Influence: The Good and Bad of Third-Party Decisions


My decisions have been influenced by others, some of which turned out better and some bad. Personally, I love listening to other voices, but filtering afterward is what I don't joke about. I remember when I wanted to write an exam for a tertiary institution, my brother, who loved lawyers, made a decision that I should go for law. According to him, he tried to influence my decision by telling me how promising that career path would be. He did everything to urge me to pursue that path instead of my dream course.

After everything he said, I knew that I don't have any passion for it. After my research, I decided to follow my heart and went for my communication Art. It is always good for us to be bold in standing up to our decisions. Although sometimes, we can face doubts and encounter difficulties in our path. There is a need for us to always filter advice from others, and trusting our instincts is important.

Peer pressure can influence our decision in a positive and negative way. Last few weeks, I was telling my close friend about my decision to settle down in Anambra state. I had two states in mind but immediately I told her I have made up my mind, she kicked against it and gave me reasons why I should go for the other state. I saw meaning in her words and knew she was actually giving me that advice because she had me in her mind and wanted the best for me.

As much as it is good to listen to others' decisions, it is important for us to review and know how much weight we should give to others' decisions. Personally, I have been in a state where others' opinions shaped my decisions in a positive way. We don't know it all, seeking advice from friends, family members, and counselors have helped me do things in a different way from how I have thought would be good.

Also, we don't have to rely solely on others to take actions. During my childhood, I was living with my grandma and I had this close friend of mine who had Apollo. Due to our closeness, I didn't see any reason to stay away from her like others did and advised me to. After some days, I saw myself contracting the Apollo.

My grandma, who didn't know what to do, ran to my aunt to find out if she knew what could be done for my eyes to get better. She suggested my grandma should add salt in water and wash my eyes. Since she trusted my aunt and thought the idea would work thus saving her time of going to the clinic and resources. I didn't have a say to what they discussed since I was little but the end result was drastic. It almost lost my eyes.

In the end, the money and time spent in the hospital was more than what we would have if we had gone to the hospital at first. The influence of third parties on our decisions can be positive and negative. It is always good for one to evaluate opinion and follow his or her instinct.

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