First Responders Are Live-Savers


Once there is a disaster, we run helter-skelter looking for first responders as our heroes. Just like last week, I received a call about how a neighbor's kitchen caught fire, and the fire escalated to the school compound where I teach, causing lots of damage.

That incident was an emergency one and required firefighters, but where were any found? Waiting for such emergency service over here means allowing your sweat to burn down on your watch. Lack of equipment makes the job of a firefighter difficult in Nigeri5. Where do I start from? Is it the vehicle, the firefighting equipment, or the hours it will take to get to the destination?

In that incident, there was no much need to call firefighters but we source for their emergency number and called and we were assured they were on their way. Thank God there are always first responders because a fire disaster isn't something one person can handle. The first responders were the heroes who rushed with buckets of water mixed with detergent, rushing into different locations where the fire had spread to extinguish the flames just to prevent further damage.

These brave individuals saved lots of buildings from burning. Before the firefighters could arrive, they had already done so much. These first responders can be people who have kind hearts and see such incidents happening and take action. Like this particular one, the neighbors showed great effort, and then when the firefighters arrived with their tools, they were able to finish the work more easily than before their arrival.


I have watched lots of videos showing first responders with courage, not minding their own lives but being ready to take action during a fire outbreak emergency. If not for this set of people in society, maybe some communities would be without houses because waiting for firefighters is a risk.

One bad thing is that these people are not even recognized in my country; they are only known when a disaster occurs. That's when their deeds show the heroes they are. Not everyone can risk their safety for another, but these souls do it as if they have a second life.

I just feel that word of mouth is not enough to appreciate first responders for their efforts in cases like disasters and other emergency situations. These sets of people are the spinal cord in rural communities where nothing like firefighters exists. No one prays for disaster as we all strive to be careful in our daily activities, but no matter how careful we are, what wants to happen will still occur.

While the firefighters are doing the best they can in trying to respond once called upon in any emergency, there is more that needs to be done to support firefighters and first responders. Providing them with needed equipment, adequate funds to build more firefighting offices in different locations, and effective training are needed for these people to effectively carry out their work without lapses.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Well said, we only recognize their importance when the need arises. COVID-19 era was an example also as regards the health sector


Seriously, that was a very clear example indeed.


one of my friends, her house caught fire and it was neighbors who came with their detergents and buckets to quench 🧯 the fire. Waiting for fire fighters before taking action in Nigeria is too risky because before they finally find their way to the accident scene.a lot must have damaged.. and for sure .they need more gadgets


You see, exactly what happened in where I work. Before these guys could drive in with their vehicle, the first responders already did almost everything. Thank God for souls like this because if we want rely upon firefighters in our country like you said, "is too risky" and I too agree with that. Happy Sunday to you sweet soul.
