My aggressive neighbor and his funny son

Are you a father, mother or guardian in our midst? Which type of word do you always use for your child or children? Abusive or mild? let me tell you beforehand, as you're about to read today's content from me, try find out why you shouldn't use abuse speech on your children or on whomever you're caring for. Worse yet, many couples do use abusive speech among themselves. Should that be the right thing to do?

What if you're the one receiving the abusive speech or words, should you allow it to penetrate down your spine? Anyway, hehehe, without much word, you'll understand why you shouldn't give chance for that because it can lead you to something deadly if you should. Continue reading.

There is this my aggressive neighbor who always maltreat his children. Honestly, if you see the way he treats his children, you will swear never to be someone's child, infact, you must deny your parents hahaha. Stop laughing naa, full gist is loading... let's move...


I could remember the day his boy ran away from house for days and the father didn't care searching for him. So, after a week, I met the boy somewhere out there. I inquired to know why he ran away, the answer the boy gave me threw me into amazement I swear. He told me exactly what the problem is as you will read it from our discussion below. The boy's name is Emmanuel but, I do call him Emma.

  • Me: Emma, what happened? why did you ran away for days now?
  • Emma: Auntie, my father want to kill me.
  • Me: Shuuuu, how and why?
  • Emma: He said he's going to castrate me.
  • Me: Castrate you? but why?
  • Emma: Last week, my teacher asked me to call my father because she wants to have a discussion with him. I told my father. The next day, he went to school with me inorder to see my class teacher. Auntie, do you know that my class teacher called my Dad just to report my weakling to him.
  • Me: What do you mean?
  • Emma: Hmmm, Auntie, see what happened. The previous day, my teacher asked me what a baby lizard is called, and I said: Baby lizard is known as Lizzybaby.

At this point, I couldn't withstand the seduction of laughter in my life. Honestly, I laughed like what I don't know. Surprisingly, the boy joined the chorus. After a while, the boy added luster to the scene. Do you people know what he told me? You can't detect it, so, relax, am here to tell you the full story. let's continue..

  • Emma: Auntie, lolz, the reason why the Lizzybaby I called peppered my teacher is because, her name is Elizabeth, but, most people do call her Lizzy while her co-teachers do call her Lizzybaby. But, auntie, is it my fault?

Ahh, what the hell is going on? imagine if you're the teacher, what will you do? or, if you're the one the boy is narrating the story to, what would be your reply and reaction?

To be Sincere, I mean, sincerely speaking, I laughed to the extent I couldn't withhold myself and my breath nearly ceased. God forbid, which kind drama be this? And the funny part is that the boy itself couldn't hold himself from laughing. We both really enjoyed the moment. But, the story have not yet come to an end. Just read along as I must tell you everything.

Remembering that the boy asked me if its his fault, the story continues..

  • Me: If it's not your fault, who's fault is it?
  • Emma": Auntie, 2 days prior to that very day, a parent came visiting with her little baby girl, my teacher called the baby, babygirl. As the woman left with her baby, I asked my teacher why she addressed the girl as Babygirl? She told me that the girl is a baby naa and that if it's a boy, he will be addressed as babyboy. So, as she asked me what a baby lizard is called, I recalled what she told me 2 days ago and quickly replied.

Not only that, the most painful part is that immediately I mentioned Lizzybaby, all my classmates started laughing at our teacher and the next day, as she came to class, my classmates started chuckling Lizzybaby, Lizzybaby.

  • Me: So as she reported you to your father, what did he do?
  • Emma: He told me that he must castrate me that very day. He even called me all sorts of bad names in the presence of my classmates. So, with that, it's better for me to stay away from home.
  • Me: Emma, if that's the case, I will talk to your father. Believe me, he will understand you.

As soon as I got home, I met the father and he accepted him back.

But, what I saw today is a different case. As I close from work, I went to a nearby bungalow (still under construction) to arrange my content as a content creator. You know, as a blogger, I need calm environment to fix my article.

As I went inside the building as usual, I saw Emma as he tied a rope on his waist. Below is our conversation:

  • Me: Emma, what are you doing here?
  • Emma: Auntie, I want to commit suicide
  • Me: Why?
  • Emma: Auntie, I want to end my life
  • Me: To end your life at this tender age?
  • Emma: Yes, it's better. Why should my father always call me names both at home and publicly. As a father, why should he be calling his own son stupid, worthless, senseless, idiot and many other related names? the most annoying is the one he called me today.
  • Me: What did he call you?
  • Emma: He said Am a bastard meaning that he's not my father. But among all my siblings, am the one that resembled him from hair to toe. Lastly, he said he's going to banish me. So, instead of him banishing me, it's better for me to commit suicide.


At this point, I started looking at the person telling me he wants to commit suicide as he tied the rope on his waist instead of his neck. Therefore, our conversation commenced...

  • Me: Emma, you want to commit suicide abi? then, why is the rope not on your neck?
  • Emma: Auntie, that was the first place I tied it, but, honestly, I nearly die. That's why I decided to tie it on my waist.

At that, I said, I will help you with it. let me put the rope in your neck for easy suicide, immediately, he ran away leaving the rope behind.

Heeey, see those that want to commit suicide!!!


If you as a parent do use abusive words on your child or you know someone who does that, please, help the person to see the need to adjust. Also, if you're a husband or wife, avoid telling your mate abusive words. It hurts more than pepper. If Emma is an adult, don't you think he will accomplish his purpose? While laughing, let's put it into practice.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate.


I do not think the boy is to be blame, she's Lizzybaby na, isn't her name Lizzy?, the Father shouldn't castrate his son, because Emma is not to be blame, I find it very wrong, for parents to used abusive words on their children.


That's true. Lizzybaby is her name and same time, the name of little lizard. It's her namesake. If she thinks the boy insulted her, let her change the name naa.

But, I think, parents and humans generally should refrain from abusive speech


😁 name were she like so much, she will not like to change, tell them to leave my Emma alone, or I will come over there and fight for him.


This is hilarious, I swear I can't stop laughing, Emma is not to be blame, infact he got the answer correctly, it's lizzybaby for sure.


But why would the whole school be calli6her lizzybaby? I bet she looks like a lizard and that's why the boy joined the queue
