Overcoming The Fear of DEBT


Debt is an action or state of mind or object that someone has an operation to perform for someone else. It is refers to the money that one person or entity owes that is required to pay to another, generally as a result of a loan or other financial transaction.

Debts reduces the savings of individual as all the expected incomes are used to settle the debts of such person. Debts are caused due to emergency and change in plans.

Emergency cases like accident leading to very high cost of treatment can leads to the borrowing of money for treatment which will lead to debt. Debt can be settled by ones personal savings, the monthly or annual income, daily thrives, etc. In some cases, debts also generates income for people in the sense that people make debts to run business.

Some people borrow money to run any sort of business that will yield profit for such person and will have some money left after paying the debts. But if the business does not yield as expected, such person make loss and find it difficult to pay the debts.


So many people talk about debt payoff journey for a reason because it can be a long journey. For any successful journey, there must always be a plan ahead of the journey. Starting point and finishing point is an important thing one needs to know so as to know the way to follow between the two points. Its very important to indicate ones starting point by getting fears under control.

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A plan must be set up by each individual in a debt on how to settle the debt after speaking with his or her creditor, figuring out the amount of debts and the amount if interest if the debt is subjected to interest. Plans will be based on the total income of the individual and the convenient savings he or she can sacrifice from the income in order to settle the bills without affecting the personal life of the individual. It is not always easy and comfortable. And it is likely to take him or her a long time to develop the courage but as time goes on, they need to understand their enemy if they are going to have a successful war against debt.

One have to take a lot of embarrassment and shame as a natural thing in order to overcome fear of debt. All creditors will definitely be provoked when it gets to a certain stage that might leads to the disgracing and embarrassment of the debtors.

The debtors have to put shame aside and have courage to call and negotiate with the creditor on the arrangements he or she have on paying the debt, asking for the creditor's view and suggestion on how to clear the debt. Being apologetic really helps a lot, the creditors are also humans that have feelings.

Approaching them in a cool and reasonable manner will cool down their temper and will be willing to help in one way or the other. But most people talk back yo their creditors and respond harshly to them which makes the creditors angry and tends to increase the level at which he keep disturbing the debtors.

It is always important to remember that being scared and worry about ones debt won't settle the debt and will never stop the interest from increasing. Panicking won't be of help at all. The major reason to eradicate the fear of debt is to face it head on. It might takes a lot of time but one just have to screw it. Every step you take will definitely have effect on the debt either positively or negatively.

Audit your debt rate and determine the debt to be settled first. Everything should be done orderly so as to avoid regret. Debt with the highest growing interest should be paid first after which all other debts can be paid. But depending on the case may be, the demands for debt can also determine the debt to be paid first. For instance, if a creditor is threatening your life or any of your property, such debt should be paid first when chanced to avoid loss of live or property.

Having a guidance or a counsellor really helps to overcome the fear of debt. A counsellor counsel the debtor on the steps to take and the guidelines to follow in order to clear the debt conveniently without any harm. When the debtors try all the best he or she can do to settle the debt and eventually didn't work out. He or she can walk up to any counsellor and he will be guided on what to do, the effect of the debt on him, his family and the creditor. If the debtor is guided well, the fear of debt will be overcome.

Prayer is a major thing in overcoming fear of debt. When debtors pray and consult God for guidance, ways will definitely open and solutions on how to settle the debts will be revealed to such person. The major reason why people keep stressing themselves on how to settle their bills is that they don't consult God and seek God's guidance. In Christianity, God said in his scripture that "ask and he shall give unto you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open."

In conclusion, fear of debts can nearly take someone's life. It can bring different thought, wrong ideas and confusion but one must keep his or her mind off it. So any one in debt right now should just make promise to him or herself on the actions to take no matter the circumstances or conditions. Prepare your bills and think of the way of sorting the debts as soon as possible. Then decide not to do anything until you take any positive action on how to pay the debts. Never worry and stay focus on your aim and goals always.
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There are people who really get into debt and when it is time for them to payback what is owed it becomes a very serious problem as they scream on their creditors, speaking to creditors in a reasonable manner may even make them consider you.
