Index4INDEX Card 362: Barbara Corcoran 4


Play what you’ve got and don't waste time worrying about what you don't.

-- Barbara Corcoran

For more about Barbara Corcoran, keep reading....


About the Quote

In a poker game, we all get lousy hands-- not even a pair. If we get 1 pair, maybe it's a pair of 3's. These are lousy hands compared to 2 pairs or a full house (1 pair with 1 trio). However, if the situation is handled right, it is possible to win the hand with a lousy set of cards. it depends on how we use what we have.

It's been said that generals go into a war with the armies they have, rather than the armies they want to have. No matter how much time they prepare for any kind of contingency, when the war begins they have to use what's available to them. This includes personnel, arms, technologies, strategies, tactics, and advantages.

It's the same way for us when it comes to things we want to achieve in life. If we wait for the perfect situation to arrive for us, we'll be waiting a long time, and then we wonder why we didn't act sooner.

There are people who put off starting a family because they want to finish their formal education and make a good salary and buy a decent home (and a few other things) before they get married to have that family. Sometimes it's best to just start the family soon while you have the energy and the stamina and live life accordingly.


Some (More) Information about Barbara Corcoran

In Episode 766 of the Lewis Howes Podcast, host Lewis Howes interviewed Barbara Corcoran, former real estate broker and current shark on Shark Tank.

During the interview, Lewis Howes asked her if she had always been direct with people or if that quality developed over time. Barbara Corcoran said that when she was growing up she had to be direct because she competed with 9 other siblings for the attention of ther parents.

Howes also asked her which of her parents was more influential on her and how she turned out later in life. Barbara Corcoran said her mother was more influential on her not only because she had to work hard to feed and support 10 children, but also because she was one of the most positive-minded people she had ever known. She also credited her father for instilling in the children the desire to work for themselves rather than for someone else. This attitude may have cost him employment because he was perceived as being insubordinate, but he was being tru to himself.

Being one of 10 children, Barbara Corcoran said, taught her how to be a member of a team. She said this gave her a head start in life when it came time to work professionally because she learned how to work with diffirent kinds of people who had their own opinions about everything. She needed to find a way to make it work, and that carried over into her business life.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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