Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge | RULESET: Even Stevens


Hello guys This is the Battle Mage Secret weekly challenge post Happy to say that this time I get battle easily because even Stevens is the popular ruleset and it comes multiple times when you play battle. This battle is easy cake for me because I get this battle very easily unlike the last battle mage secret weekly challenge, this battle is very good and I win this battle without losing even a single monster. When you play a battle like this then it will be helpful to create a streak in the battle but Splinterlands is different because it is not the same every time which means you will see every single battle is different than others that is why you should have a variety of cards to fight against powerful monsters.

Battle Rules


  • Even Stevens: This is the featured ruleset and according to this rule you cannot take 1,3,5,7,9,11 ETC. mana cards but you have to use even mana monsters here. Actually, you don’t need to do anything because it is the default reset so whenever you play the battle with even Stevens, only even mana cards will be there.

  • Aimless: Aimless means all monsters will get scattershot suitability and scattershot ability enables monsters to attack on random cards and this is applicable only on the ranged and magical attack monsters.

  • Stampede: If the trampled monster is killed then the trample ability can trigger multiple times in the attack. So this is the trample ability that you get in the stampede ruleset.

My Battle Line Up


Alric Stormbringer is the summoner for this battle.

  • First position: Using Djinn Oshannus here because it is a powerful monster against Melee, ranged and Magic attacks also it has multiple abilities such as Void, phase, and forcefield. since Alric Stormbringer is the summoner, it is good to choose the magic attack monster most.

  • Second position: Ruler of the Seas is here because it is a very powerful magic attack monster and it is a legendary monster it has a blast ability that is what makes this monster more deadly so you can say this is the main attacking card of the team.

  • Third position: In the third position Ice Pixie is good because it has low health and it is important to protect this monster because it has good attacks. This is a magic attack monster and very useful when you take it with Elric Summoner.

  • Fourth position: Spirit miner is here and has a dodge, swiftness, and blind ability this is a legendary Magic Monster that can help all monsters because It is going to reduce the speed of all monsters of the opponent.

  • Fifth position: Halfling Alchemist is here and this monster is known for its halving ability this is a ranged attack monster it has only two Mana but since it has a unique ability it is better to take this monster at the last because of the ranged attack.

The Battle

let's start a battle

Round 1 - Opponent lost xenith archer by ice pixie's attack.
*Opponent lost egor darkspear and kulu swimhunter by ruler of the seas' attack.

Round 2 - Opponent lost xenith monk by ruler of the seas' attack.
*Opponent lost deeplurker by spirit miner's attack.

Round 3 - Opponent lost merdhampir by ice pixie's attack


So it was easy to win however not every battle is the same because in the previous challenge, I had lost the battle. Win and loss are part of the game and that's how games work. I hope you liked this battle I want you to share this post using #play2earn and #splinterlands tags. If you are new then join splinterlands, referral link is below. Have a good day.

Thank you

Lucky Ali

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185300304_441507187470261_6630906744872723300_n-removebg-preview.pngHi I am lucky ali from gujarat, india. I am a crypto enthusiast, blogger, and SEO developer. I am always interested in learning new things and getting new experiences. You can find me on hive, twitter and discord (Lucky Ali#6343). Sharing is caring, Thank you hive family ♥


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Very helpful post read very important article for splinterlands. hope it will be useful for all especially those who are running in splinterlands game.


thanks, buddy. I have shared some useful tips.


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