Card prices down, is it a good time to buy?

Card prices are steadily going down as we can see it costs $3.6k to buy a max Chaos Legion deck now compared to over $5k six months ago.


I am not sure as to the reason of price decrease. Either there are whales leaving the game or bot farms selling after proposal to ban bots in Modern had passed. Personally, I see this as an opportunity to strengthen my deck. I just bought a level 2 Adelaide Brightwing to add to my Light Splinter deck.


The repair and resurrect ability is too powerful when teamed up with Grandmaster Rathe and Uriel. My guild delegated me a level 2 Grandmaster Rathe and level 2 Uriel. Adelaide is the missing piece to complete the trinity :). Sure there is the option to rent but I want my own cards and avoid the hassle of cancelled rentals. I am still on the lookout for some good deals since there are still a lot of cards that I want to buy NOT FOR INVESTMENT, but because I love playing the game and I want play with more cards.

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