What would happen if you had the time in your hand?

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How many times have we been late somewhere, late for school, late for the date with the loved one, late, late and many times late, mostly this is out of our hands, there are adverse conditions that lead us and push us to be late somewhere and we want to be early.

The traffic, the person who stopped us and started asking questions to which we had to answer, an unexpected rain, or maybe we forgot to turn off the water faucet, all these and many more are some of the reasons that could be preventing us from being on time or living in the right time.

And the fact is that, being on time and living in the right time is not the same thing, why? Well, to be on time implies a geographical place, but to live in time, indicates to be in the purpose for which we are made and were put on earth.

Many times we wish to have time in our hands, but, time is not well in our hands so that we can live the time with gratitude and courage, because as they say time does not forgive and the years pass but the experiences remain.

Happy day, afternoon and evening.

Posted via proofofbrain.io
