The Kind of Life the Loving God Gives


Allow me your tolerance to experiment with a spontaneous exposition of a popular verse taken from the Bible. Two nights ago, I reflected on this verse and made it my prayer. I am not sure if I can repeat the same exposition because at that time I did not write down whatever came to my mind. The verse is John 3: 16.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Know who this God is that loves so much

Love is a favorite message these days but detach it from the kind of God spoken in our text its meaning is either distorted or corrupted. To understand love, we must begin with God and this God is the only God that exists.

In a world that does not believe in the existence of God and yet is so passionate about love, for me, I find it difficult to understand. Or it is more appropriate to say, that I cannot accept such due to its lack of rationality. For many, to insist on believing the existence of God is the height of irrationality. The most rational to them is a world where no God exists.

This tells us that reason is not the same for everyone. There is a reason that relies on supernatural revelation and there is also a reason that accepts "revelation" but only within the limits of nature.

The God who loves so much belongs to the supernatural realm. He is above nature. Though a natural man cannot escape such a God metaphysically, and yet at the same time accepting such a God epistemologically is the height of insanity.

The God who loves is the Creator of nature and that is why He is above nature. That's what the Bible tells us. It follows then that if he is the Creator of nature, the God who loves possesses power and knowledge that are beyond our human capabilities to understand.

This loving God gave us the most important Person in His life

You can measure the depths and heights of love of anyone by the preciousness of his gift. If that person is willing to give up even the most important possession he has for the sake of his beloved, we could say that such a person understands the meaning of love.

In the case of God, He enjoys such a pleasure in communing with His Son from all eternity. There is such an intimate love between them. For God to give up His Son for our sake, if that is not love, I don't know how to describe it.

The loving God gave us His Son for us not to perish

Except for Adam, all of us are born into this world under the condemning power of sin. Not only with our inherited sin but also our actual sins, their result is nothing but destruction. In short, if God did not give us His Son, all of us would certainly perish.

The loving God gave us eternal life instead

Instead of destruction and death, God gave us life. This is not just an ordinary life; it is eternal.

For many, if you will ask them to describe what life is, the immediate thing that comes to mind is suffering and misery. That's how they understand life. It is more like hell and not real life.

However, the kind of life that God gave us because of His Son is meaningful, purposeful, productive, and God glorifying. Living such kind of life, you will find waking up every day very exciting and you will consider each as an opportunity to serve your God.

This is my spontaneous exposition of John 3:16. I failed to capture the thoughts that came to me two nights ago. Despite such a shortcoming, I am still grateful that I can complete this piece.
