Keeping Promises To Children



Keeping Promises To Children |


Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 Proverb 13:12, Proverb 27:1

It was actually a wonderful teaching from Brother Eli Soriano who led us on the topic that actually emphasized more on "Keeping promises To Children" which have much effect on parents with their children even to the different individual and their loved one. Hence on this note, Brother Eli went on with the book of Ecclesiastes 5:4-5, Proverb 13:12, and Proverb 27:1 to narrate morally the impact of making promises

As much on that note, Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 emphasis more on the making vow or promises which are rash unto unto our dear creator, hence on that note we are taught and made known that we humans ought to be taught, cautionary over what comes out our mouth as promise.

Hence it is quite necessary we all understand what the bible says and as much as implementing it as well, as it is expected that we have to be committed in fulfilling our promises to the children that we have which comes by honoring our words and as much as our action we decide to take.

As much, we are committed to this, there is a need that we ought to understand every biblical teaching as Brother Eli Soriano has taught in his lesson of which we ought to understand what integrity is all out in maintaining sincerity and as much as humility as well.

The book of Proverb 13:2 laid emphasis on having hope towards our expectancy which encouraged perseverance which is regarded as one of the stimulators that keep the human spirit alive over their dreams and aspirations, because every individual has a dream to achieve here on earth and beyond which is heaven.

On the other hand this verse of the scripture spotted pains and discouragement that tend to be standard against our progress, hence on that note being resilience over our adversity is the key to keep on over achieving our aim and obligation.

Hence Proverb 13:2 is encouraging every believer who understands the doctrine and urges every believer to also embrace more on our faith while we keep our dream alive as good as doing what we ought to do at the right time even in the time of trouble, we ought to remain steadfast.

Most time believers get it wrong over presumptuousness which is not ideal for our future as the book of Proverb 27:1 highlighted that we ought to understand that we can't predict what tomorrow may bring in as much we make promises, which implies that we ought to me mindful of what give out as promise to people and even our children as well.

As much as keeping away from such bad impressions that we give to our children, it is necessary to approach today, tomorrow and the future with humility and sincerity as much as being grateful as well, It is necessary we remain mindful over the promises we offer to our children.

So therefore the moral narrative of this scripture speaks more on temporary boundaries which have as much impact in our life as we make our faith and believe genuine in the present of our children and even to our loved ones.

Ecclesiastes 4:4-5 taught about the act of being honest with what we are doing even to our children which emcopasses being honesty and sincere as well which is found relevant in our divine relationship, which talk about being committed to God by refraining from frivolous promise which does not give God glory in any way over making unfulfilled promises

Hence is ideal we approach our faith with sincerity to children overcome our adversity and challenges with spirit is f sticking unto our faith in Christ Jesus over our aspirations. Hence humility and remaining sincere to our promises is necessary as a believer, we believers build our integrity as we progress towards the future with Grace and wisdom from God which are all devine.

Am Samuel

Am Samuel


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