RE: Personal Story With A Soundtrack - (Now you're under control) And now you do what they told ya

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It almost seems like the "older sibling's supremacy feeling" over their younger ones is something that's promoted by most societies. Sometimes, it can't be helped, especially when the parents forces the older siblings to grow up too early. This happens when parents are rarely around to run the home. The duty automatically falls on the older siblings and only God knows if they are playing the role properly or not. Haha.

That Clawfinger music video is so old-school and also very hilarious. The transition from the young boy's calm voice to the heavy metal lines from the older guy is so fierce and it drives the point home. Haha

The older folks always brings age to the table when there is any discussion to be had. A lot of them are not willing to listen to what someone else is willing to say. In their eyes, "he/she is just a kid amg knows nothing about life". That's obviously a flawed assumption.


That Clawfinger song is awesome in deed and even one of my sons favorites when he was little.
I tried to avoid the I know better because I am older trap, I tried to explain my pov on why I thought something would be better than another thing.

But I am sure I must have come across sometimes like I know better because I am older, but I never said: because I say so.....

So maybe he is not as annoyed as I am when somebody tells him what to do.


That's awesome. What you are practicing is exactly how it should be. It helps you build the mindset of your kids in ways that will make him seek for reasons instead of just following what people said because they are older.

I believe something like that will also help help them get very good at communicating their thoughts properly.
