Pure smile....


Feeling a little out of place? Isn't that so! How pure is laughter again. Laughter is just laughter. What is pure or impure in it?

We literally forgot to smile heartily. As we get older, our smiles disappear from our faces. If you give input to the robot, you can get output from it. Similarly we forcefully output a very small amount of smile from our face.

Through laughter we act, we make fun of someone or make fun of them, we don't even forget to diminish someone's respect through laughter. In a real sense we express our expressions with a smile.

Just as we can forget our sorrows with a smile, we also know how to criticize others with a smile. So it can be said that we are one of the best actors in the world of comedy. Although we occasionally smile openly, the amount is negligible.

In the city of bricks and stones, the polluted air of various factories has polluted the air around us. In the same way, the misery, frustration, not getting anything like the mind that has grown with life, all these have made our pure laughter, impure. So on the way to the battle of life we ​​just try to injure people with impure smiles.

There was a time when we also gave pure smiles. Our smiles were not meant to criticize or belittle anyone. The only purpose was to enjoy. Just a little bit of satisfaction, a wave of pure laughter would play on our whole face.

I remember very well, when I was in primary school. Then I would be very happy if my mother or father gave me 2 to 5 tk. I did not have more demand! Because I was a child raised in a middle class family. Back then, when I got these two to five tk, my whole face was full of laughter. I felt blessed. I would leave home with a pure smile and go to school.

Still smiling, but I don't know how pure it is? I can understand that myself according to the situation. Nowadays I seem to have forgotten to smile at my own complacency.

Nowadays pure smiles can be seen on the faces of children. They don't know much about their needs, their mental anguish, the complexities of the world. Although the case of the family is somewhat different. So small children can smile in a pure way. There is no touch of impurity in their smiles.

The little boy you see in the picture was basically cycling down the street. The part of the road where he was cycling had accumulated some rain water. While cycling over that part, he was having a lot of fun. When I grabbed the camera of his mobile, he smiled and said he took good pictures. He is my cousin. I looked at his smile and thought to myself, how many people can laugh this smile? There is no adulteration in that smile. Who can lighten his face with a little satisfaction, self-satisfaction, pure smile!
After all, I mean, we all need pure laughter. A smile that will not be meant to belittle anyone, a smile that will not have the impression of annoyance, a smile that will not be intended to ridicule anyone or to make fun of someone's sorrow, a smile that will only be a smile of our self-satisfaction, which will be a pure smile. So let's all smile purely, not impurely. That smile will not cause anyone trouble. We can all smile with joy.

Much Love And Best Wishes To All


I am Md. Kawsar Hasan. I am Bangladeshi and proud to introduce myself as a Bangladeshi because I love my country so much. Because this is my motherland. I am engaged in the teaching profession. When I can teach my students something new, I have a different feeling. I also like to learn and do something new every day, I like to mingle with new people and like to learn something new. I always think of myself as a student of nature. Because we have a lot to learn from nature. I just try small to learn. I love to travel. A lot can be learned from nature through travel. Love to learn and write. I have been trying to write since I was a child and that is why I often fall behind in writing. I try to respect people. I think if you respect someone, your self-esteem does not decrease but increases.
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A very neat written piece with a very sensitive reflection. Well done! We hope to read more of you in our community too.

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Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.


I smile a lot! Most of my smiles are real but sometimes I catch myself faking it. It’s almost automatic. I would love to change this.

Most people think the city is cold and unfriendly, but when I give a real smile, people return it more often than not


I smile a lot too. But sometimes I act. But sometimes, when I give a real smile in front of people. Then I get a good feedback. So we should all change the fake smile. Thanks for your opinions...
